What a Great Answer

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Lark72sb350, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. Lark72sb350

    Lark72sb350 Well-Known Member

    What A Great Answer

    In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the anti-American sentiment & negativity about our government & its policies, we should remember England's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words to his own people.

    During a recent interview, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain was asked by one of his parliament members as to why he believes so much in America. And does he think America is on the right track?

    Blair's reply - "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in ... & how many want out."
  2. bobc455

    bobc455 Well-Known Member

    Or, they might want in simply because we give them drivers licenses, welfare, hospital care, etc...

    I support armed guards patroling the border, with "shoot to kill" instructions. And take away their welfare. And, don't grant citizenship unless you were born here LEGALLY.

    But that's just me.

    -Bob Cunningham
  3. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    The only thing I don't get is the "social security" for illegal immigrants and other government services. Don't become a citizen, don't get government services, no if's/and's/or but's.
  4. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    One part of that I agree 100% with, the other part I disagree 100% with.

    Border patrol guards with shoot to kill instructions. Yeah baby!

    Citizenship only to those that are born here? :puzzled:

    Unless you mean "letting them stay here" vs. "actual citizenship granted".

    I agree unless you have plans to be a citizen permanently and are working towards it you should not be here long term.

    Don't worry, before this turns out to be a political thread, this problem won't go away (unfortunately) no matter who gets elected. It's so easy too.
  5. bobc455

    bobc455 Well-Known Member


    If an illegal immigrant has a baby within the borders of this country, the baby is automatically a full-fleged citizen. I don't like that.

    -Bob C.
  6. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I don't see the problem with that. They were born on US soil.
  7. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  8. custom sky

    custom sky Generally Nice Guy

    So Cody, If you were born in france while your parents where there on vacation would you want to be a french citizen evan though your parents weren't? Regardless of where you are born in the world you should be a citizen of the country that your parents are citizens of. That means if you are born here and your parents are mexican citizens than you also are a Mexican citizen until such time as your parents become citizens of the U.S. Just because the laws of this country are being misinterpreted and used for ill gain doesn't make it right.
  9. 72Rivguy

    72Rivguy Carl, Buicks Are the Best

    I used to be open-minded about illegals, but then I observed that if someone didn't care about following laws about coming to the US, then what respect would they have for our laws once they got here? I'm sure they are hard working people, but I'm also sure that they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, no matter what the law says. That means driving without a license or insurance, which means I have to insure myself against them.

    I used to live in Los Angeles, where illegal immigrants stand outside the Home Depots waiting for day work. I don't see how they make the US a better place.
  10. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I think the laws are if you're born here or if one of your parents is a us citizen you get to be a us citizen as well no matter where you're born.

    Nobody can forget that this country was built on the backs of immigrants and without them, our country wouldn't even exist. We were all immigrants (unless you're native american, but even they were immigrants thousands of years ago) at one point in time (If my great great grandfather had decided to rough it out in germany, I wouldn't be here today).
  11. Lark72sb350

    Lark72sb350 Well-Known Member

    I am constantly amazed in which direction these threads go. Although I have not posted many times I log on and see what is going on several times each day.

    The original point that I was tring to make was that even though some think we are going to H### in a Handbasket the rest of the world is still beating down our door tring to get in. In the grand scheme of things it really does not make a differance who gets elected or which party is in control because the dream that is America lives on, and many more people want to be a part of it.

    Just my .02

    PS Go Vote next tuesday. :Comp:

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