Well........almost got killed yesterday...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Captain Mark, Oct 24, 2002.

  1. Da Torquester.

    Da Torquester. Platinum Level Contributor

    Speaking of warm & fuzzies, I bet that's how the HP felt after she had some choice words for him and his fly. ( just going on what I've heard from other troopers. ) :) John
  2. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    Good bumper sticker1

    Mark Ascher said:

    I HATE tailgaters.

    Mark, I saw a bumper sticker the other day. Said "I brake for tailgaters":laugh:

    Thought it was pretty good. I try to myself, when I drive the suburban. Can't hurt that thing anymore. Any more dents and it will start to straighten out. Kinda looks like a very big, square golf ball right now. Just not as smooth. And it does stop vry well. 4-wheel disc brakes! Scares some people!:bglasses:
  3. Mark Ascher

    Mark Ascher 65GS.com


    my beloved RM wagon got rearended last January by another tailgating fool, this time an older gent that wasn't paying attention when traffic all of a sudden was hitting the panic button. I took a quick glance in the rear view, looked ahead, then boom.......the damage wasn't too serious though. Took out the rear bumper cover. When we got pulled over to the side, that guy got out of his car, shaking like a leaf. I'll bet he's backed off since that. I wish I could just have a go-to-work beater that was an all rounded off road warrior. But with 4 cars already, chances are slim for awhile.

    I've never seen that sticker, but would like to have one.

  4. CyberBuick

    CyberBuick What she used to be....

    I've seen one that said, "I slow down for tailgaters". Musta been from another state tho... Your either moving good or tailgating everyone here in LA.. lol
  5. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    I'll bet no one would tail gate the snipers car. All of a sudden you see an AR-15 gun barrel come out of a hole in the trunk......maybe I could rig a fake one that would scare the heck out of the tailgater!
  6. Da Torquester.

    Da Torquester. Platinum Level Contributor

    One of the Joys that I've experienced while being tailgated was slamming on my brakes when this chick was taking a big gulp of her triple 20oz hot latte. Looking in my rearview mirror after it was over with I saw her frantically wiping every thing up with a paper towel. :laugh: You know that car has got to be a sticky mess. I think above all I hated be tailgated on my motorcycle the most. 800lbs. vs. 4000lbs. Don't half to do any math here. :Smarty: John
  7. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    I pull IMMEDIATELY over to the side when someone tailgates me on my bike, at any speed on any road.

    Some things are not worth it.
  8. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    Taligaters and weavers don't seem to know hoe deadly that cn be. They'll try anythng for a few seconds of space.

    I had a civic weave in and tailgate me when stopping for a light. I stopped in the left track, first in lineand this jerk pulls up NEXT to me in MY lane! Fenders make great rest spots for steel toe riding boots.
  9. Da Torquester.

    Da Torquester. Platinum Level Contributor

    Clint, your story sounds similar to some of these little ricer $hits I see here in Seattle. I can't tell you how many accidents they've caused on the freeway on a friday night after a Mariners game. When that happens you can count on being stuck in a bumper to bumper parking lot for up to 3 hrs. The game gets out at 10:30 or so and you might make it home by 12:30 ro 1:00am. That's a big reason why I hate some of these little basturds.:blast: :blast: :spank: Weaving fast though lanes is definately deadly.

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