weather stripping (this one works!)

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by actionhank99, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. actionhank99

    actionhank99 English guy with a Buick!

    where can i get a weather stripping kit for my 4 door centurion? also the chrome and rubber strip that separates the front and rear windows? :Do No:
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Steele Rubber?

    I got the rubber strip from some place on ebay. It fit fine. As for the chrome piece... You may just need to find clean, rust-free donors from a Texas car.
  3. quicksabre

    quicksabre Well-Known Member

    Steele Rubber does sell everything but the horizontal beltline pieces along the bottom of the windows. I had to get those(only the outers) from Restoration Specialties. The vertical seals between the front and rear windows will come with only the rubber part, and the pieces that go around the perimeter of the doors take LOTS of fitting, especially at the ends.
  4. actionhank99

    actionhank99 English guy with a Buick!

    thanks guys :beer furious credit card action coming up :Brow: :Brow:
  5. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

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