Weak Posi in GSX

Discussion in 'Got gears?' started by punk55, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. punk55

    punk55 West Texas Buicks

    The original posi in the 70 GSX is getting weak in that It will spin both tires on a smooth concrete surface but the drive side will stop spinning first and the passenger side will spin hard like a open rear down the street. What needs to be done to get both tires spinning the same ? Is there a rebuild kit and what cost are associated with getting the rear back in top shape. Thanks Don
  2. Goodwrench04963

    Goodwrench04963 Well-Known Member

    Find Monzaz on this board, he will get you fixed up right.

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    All you need to do is get the posi out break it apart and have the local machine shop cut some of the center perch down so the cones rest deeper and then add a washer under the spring pack in the amount of the cuts and reassemble. Done it a dozen times. It works great. I even did it at the GS Nationals for Sam Davis one time. Fixed his car right up.
  4. punk55

    punk55 West Texas Buicks

    Thanks for the info

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