V8buick Profile Question

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Smartin, Jan 10, 2003.

  1. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I see that in our profiles on this site we have a line that is titled "Referrals". What is that? I have 1. Some people have none. Does anyone know really what it means?

  2. Mike Bucy

    Mike Bucy Administrator Staff Member



    A user that visits V8Buick.com through a link that contains "referrerid=XXX" will give referral credit to the owner of the referrerid when they register (where XXX is the userid of the referrer).

    So, bottom line is that if your link is setup with "referrerid=Smartin" you will receive 1 referral credit for every person who uses that link to register on V8Buick.com.

    Hope that explains it!!!!!!!
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I get it, but I don't think I have set up anything like that in my webpages or anything. Where would someone click on a link like that? Are there any incentives also??:Brow:
  4. Mike Bucy

    Mike Bucy Administrator Staff Member

    As an example, someone puts a link to V8Buick.com on there website, "referrerid=XXX" is put in the link giving that username or website credit for the relerral.

    There are no incentives at this time but you never know about the future :cool:
  5. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Very interesting. Thanks!


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