timing light

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by online170, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. online170

    online170 Well-Known Member

    Just bought a used timing light at a swap meet for $10. Seems to be working, but there is no light coming out. I figured the bulb is done. can i replace it? if so where do i get the parts?
  2. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    I replaced a bulb in one years ago. We'll need the make & model of the light, and whether or not the bulb itself has any ID on it.

  3. online170

    online170 Well-Known Member

    Here ya go

    The timing light is all chrome, this is the only tag on it, and it reads.

    MAC TOOLS (logo).
    MODEL TL 65 .
    6/12 V. SER NO. 0981692.

    Hope that helps.
  4. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    I'll do some searching. In the meantime, what has Mac Tools told you?

  5. online170

    online170 Well-Known Member

    I was trying to search the model on their site, without luck. Havent contacted them directly, i bought the light used from a swap meet. The bulb appears to be a U shaped thing, with wires soldered into the ends, and a point at the bottom of the U.
  6. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Azeem, no luck with my search either. I hope Mac can come through for you.

  7. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    Most of those , if you ever drop them will not work. It is usually cheaper to just buy a new one.
  8. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    Azeem - It will probably cost as much to repair it (if it's repairable), as it would to replace it with a new Sears Craftsman 'Dial Back' for about $50 - but you'll hafta get one in the US of A, as Sears Canada doesn't carry them. :Do No: :TU:

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