Tilt stearing column switching

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by 72gsmetal, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. 72gsmetal

    72gsmetal Well-Known Member

    I bought a 71 tilt stearing column for my 72 GS Skylark to change over from standard to tilt, my problem is the rod that goes down to the ignition switch is longer on the tilt column then my standard. Can I change these out with out much problem to the tilt feature? Cause the ignition switch that came with the tilt setup has a different plug configuration to it then my 72 ignition switch.
    Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated,
    Chip :TU:
  2. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    The tilt column rod is for tilt only. Make sure when you rotate the key cylinder the rod moves down to the firewall. If not, you broke the rack and will need to replace it. This is a common problem on tilt columns.

    As for the plug orientation, just rotate your wire harness plug 180 degrees and plug it into the column. This is a standard procedure when installing a tilt.

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