Thermostat housing question

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Tim, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Tim

    Tim Silver Level contributor

    I bought an SP1 intake off of a board member and need a thermostat housing. I bought one from made by Four Seasons for $9.00. I just received it and it is cast iron, the bypass hole is very small compared to my other housings. See the attached picture comparing the hole to the gasket. Will this be OK to use as is or should I try and drill it out?

    Attached Files:

  2. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project

    First thing I would do is bead blast it and paint it.

    All the by pass does is let some water though untill the thermstate opens so it let the engine heat up a little.

    I would install it like it is (after painting) to se how it performes.

    I do not run a by-pass on my set up. I have to turn the water pump off and let the engine run a minuet or two for it to warm up.

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