The new Star Wars movie. Whadd'ya think?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by tstclr, May 29, 2005.

  1. tstclr

    tstclr Well-Known Member

    Took my son yesterday to see it. I thought it was really good. Very dark. Some scenes may disturb the under 10 crowd. In my opinion it was the best of all 6.
  2. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    In one word, AWESOME! I thought it was great overall, but they should have made the battle scenes longer. Like the Wookie+Clone vs. droid battle, and should have shown more of the battles like the ones with the camo clones, and arctic clones. The only bad part was knowing what might happen because I've seen the movie after this one, Star Wars. The movie filled in every plot hole that needed to be patched from Episode II to Star Wars. Very cool ending with the explanation of where everyone ends up or goes. Yoda is the bomb. :Brow:
  3. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    i thought it sucked honestly. being 22 i prefer the older 4-6 movies. the newest 3 (1-3) all sucked. They've definitely been made for the 12-16 crowd it seems like, who will watch just about anything and tolerate it, even like it. However anyone with a bit of maturity in their viewing habits will likely hate it and think it was a giant waste of time. I want my $8.75 back and the 2 1/2 hours it took to watch it.
  4. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    I think what you have just said,well to be quite honest,is a sad statement.Not because it may be true,but because people want so bad for these three movies to eclipse the original 3,that I believe we have put too high of an expectation,that can not be achieved.

    I am 33 years old.I watched the first three movies in the theatres when they were released.They were like nothing we had ever seen before.They were so original,it took many years before another movie came around that could even be compared to them.

    I think your comment about about peoples maturity in their viewing habits is uncalled for and to be honest,quite ignorant.I quite enjoyed this third movie.It was well directed,and tied the first three movies right into the next series.I believe the cinematography and special effects were done very well,and the script was definitely better than the first two movies.

    Everyone has different tastes in what they like,I for one would not enjoy watching 95% of the movies that come out today for many reasons.Poor scripting,bad acting,language,nudity,bathroom humor and so on.If someone else enjoys them,more power to them,but I will not comment on their maturity or anything else.

    I know that you were not attacking anyone with your comments,and everyone has their own opinion about a movie,but don't make rude comments and slight remarks about what peoples maturity level might be because you didn't like a movie.

    If you take offense to my comments,I apologize,they are not meant to offend,but to point out just a few things that I learned from others.
  5. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    star wars

    There was seven of us that went, me,my wife,my 3 kids and my buddy Steve and his wife Pam. We all had a great time and loved it.I think Sometimes we tend to over analyze things it's just great to get out and do something with family and friends...............Chris :grin:
  6. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Just got back and loved it. I got to take my little boy and he liked it too. The cool thing was going to see a movie when I was a little boy, then taking my little boy to see another piece of it near 30 years later. I didn't like Episode 1 much, but the Clone Wars got much better. This one was as good as any of the first ones to me. And I never thought I would feel sorry for Darth Vader, but it happened decades later!

    Hope he releases 3 new ones so I can take my grandchildren to it!!
  7. 73Electra 225

    73Electra 225 Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed it as an entertaining movie. The one thing that really really bothered me, though, was what I thought was the main reason for him turning. Yes, there was a number of reasons, but what I thought was the big one seemed completly rediculous. I won't say what so not to spoil, but it just seemed that where this takes place technologically, this thing wouldn't even be possible. They can travel from planet to planet, but they can't do this? You are positive that this could happen, so okay...take every precaution necessary and use the knife method instead or somthing. If it was taking place in a King Arthur time peiod, then it would make perfect sence, but made no sense to me for when its taking place.
  8. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    reread what i said. i said "likely" and other such words. my statement stands as a general overview of what i have talked about with other friends. the trends were as follows...

    younger than 18 typically liked it, while those older didn't (a few did however)
    those who didn't like it thought 4, 5, and 6 were better

    my statement wasn't about your or anyone else's immaturity. i said that those who .. wait let me quote this.. "However anyone with a bit of maturity in their viewing habits will likely hate it and think it was a giant waste of time."

    meaning their viewing habits were more MATURE movies. I think i'm not the only who who thinks star wars of old (4-6) were for more mature audiences while the star wars of new (1-3) were more targeted at little children who think jar jar binks and giant iguanas are cool.

    episode 3 was better than 1 and 2. but they certainly didn't live up to the hype and as far as story line goes, 4 through 6 were much better. george lucas can't write dialog if his life depended on it. to me it felt like the pretty pictures took over the screen rather than the story and the acting. let's face it, the story is the most important part and i felt it lacking in 1-3, 3 was better but it was still a waste of time.

    i will state this AGAIN. I did not say you or anyone else was immature. i said those who like a bit of maturity in their viewing habits.. meaning they prefer a good story and a good deal of good acting.. this isn't their kind of movie. the actors for the most part took the dry lines given to them and added zilch to them. i felt like i was watching a community theatre put on a play of hamlet.

    i had high hopes for this movie but i also went in with an open mind and knew it wouldn't live up to the hype, but i gave it a chance and it left me wishing for my money back and the 2 1/2 hours of life back as well. i should've just rented the movie is what i'm saying.

    now... i can understand you getting confused about what i was saying.. but don't call me ignorant either. i write movie reviews for my college newspaper and i generally get pretty good responses out of them. this time i didn't feel like throwing a full blown review at you or anything instead i stated my opinion and a few things i knew from talking to other people.

    i'll state this again. it's a movie that kids typically like, and adults do not. if you have a problem with being in the minority (from my general group of friends anyway) then that's your problem and not mine.

    oh and by the way, good job of going off topic and trying to rip my credibility and character to shreds rather than talk about the movie and give a thoughtful opinion rather than just slam me and my opinion.
  9. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    I'm 31 and thought it was one of the best...

    Zach... I think it's supposed to be that way... kind of a King arthur meets Star Trek, sort of vib... Star Trek technology, with King arthur mentality. I for one completly understood the reasoning for his turn. Made sense to me.

    It did a very good job of explaining everything and was a perfect fit between 2 and 4.

    Now I await the "box set" :TU:

    Yoda does Kick some Arse though

    Attached Files:

  10. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    if you like star wars/star trek kind stuff but like the idea of everything else kind of primitive you might really like the now canceled tv show called Firefly a lot.

    it's star wars/trek mixed with a western. very good show, the first and final season is available in most libraries in dvd form, if not there then at your local kmart for around $30. there's a movie coming out based on it called Serenity...

    created by the same guy who did buffy the vampire slayer and angel. i got addicted and watched the whole season in like 2 days... about 14 shows i think.
  11. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

  12. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Well, I do agree with Kyle's sentiments about Episode 1. I thought it spent more time on effects and little time on character or plot developement; much like Highlander End Game. It was pandering. That is why I didn't bother with Episode 2.

    Some members, in another thread, suggested I watch it because it wasn't as bad as 1. Well, I caught Episode 2 on TV, and I agree - much better. So I might actually see 3 at the theaters.

    Now, I don't expect anything to eclipse the originals, but I do expect them to equal the originals - at least in spirit. It is hard to capture what the original movie did, because so much was due to the "new" special effects being well-integrated into the movie. That is old hat now. Yes, we have computers creating those effects, but the visual impact is old.

    Kyle, I do have a bone to pick with your "anyone with a bit of maturity in their viewing habits" comment, considering you mentioned Buffy and Angel, lol. At least the Buffy movie was decent.

    Off Topic: Quick question about Episode 2 (and general stuff in the same vein).
    Okay, we know that heavier objects take more effort to move with the Force. In the final battle, the bad guy gets away because Yoda stops to keep the column from falling on his friends/mentees.
    So, why didn't Yoda just use the Force to pull them out from under the colomn instead?

    Also, am I the only one who noticed (and giggled at) a similarity between that battle, and the one from The Raven? (Hmm, doesn't Yoda resemble the older Karloff?)
  13. T-Type 86

    T-Type 86 Well-Known Member

    i liked the newest movie.....the start was good, the middle was bad, the ending was awesome, at the ending everything came togeather in my head. When i saw that darth vader mask go on, i just thought of the GN's...i think 1-2 werent worth even seeing, i wanted to see 3 cause it hade darth vader in it.

    To me 1-2 seems more childish but yet for some people they love it, no matter what age. i'm only 16 and love every star wars movie....well....which ever one has all the snow in it, isnt as good i think, but i think number 4 and 6 are great!

    I'm gonna go see it again tomorrow probably. It was only 6 bucks to see it too at the new theaters in town! Damn them seats are nice...

  14. wurstarme

    wurstarme Buicks...rock?

    Well to be fair, the first two movies were about the early childhood and adolescence of Anakin. I think that was the effect Lucas intended the films to have, contrasting Anakin to Vader. I'm no Star Wars nut, just my $0.02
  15. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    Havent seen it yet. But fell out of my chair today when I saw a commercial today and the wookies were howling like Tarzan as they swung in like Spiderman.
    1-2-3 are just the story of Anakin and how he became Vadar.
    They said the cut lots of action and good content just to focus on that.
    So it was a tad childish as it went along, he was a kid.
  16. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Lucas had a tought job with these movies. The Star Wars saga started when us 30 somethings were kids. We, in a sense, made it what it is by being in love with it and making our parents buy the toys and movies as they were released. I had toys, clothes, bedding and other various items from the movie as I grew up. It made an impression on many of us and still is in our brains today. So, should Lucas have made these films to please us in our 30's and early 40's? Or, should he stray from us and gear the movies up toward kids of today to get huge ratings. Either way, someone would be dissapointed. I think he stood on the fence and tried to please all of us. The first movie was more for children of today. The last was for us children of the originals. The second was a cross between the 2.

    I enjoyed all 6 movies. 1 was weak, but you can't win all the time. Plus, my son loved it and he is almost 6 years old. When I saw the new one yesterday, he was not into it as much as the others. But, it was a little over his head at times.

    Now it's over. Another chapter in the lives of us Star Wars fans. Hope he does it one more time so I can enjoy it more.
  17. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    By the polls some 76% of fans want 3 more movies.
    The rest want it to stop at 6 or they want the new 3 to go way.
  18. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    i don't watch those, i just know a lot of people really enjoyed buffy and angel and since the other show i mentioned Firefly was also created by the same person it might get a few more people onto it. it really is a great show. and seriously, i've never even watched an episode of either buffy or angel, they just don't sound interesting to me.

    now.. about my viewing habits are all over the place.. i love american pie type stuff, i love the no-thought-just-watch explosion movies, heck i thought the first fast and the furious wasn't that bad... no so for the sequel but regardless. i love robin williams movies.. some more serious like Patch Adams and Good Will Hunting (not quite so serious but regardless it was a great movie). I'm just saying i like all kinds of stuff. i have days where i don't want to watch anything that requires thinking others were i want to watch something thought provoking. either way i still say those who don't like the kiddie type movies will probably not enjoy star wars episode 3... it was better than 1 and 2.. but all 3 combined just.. fall flat, ooohh pretty pictures but no substance. *yawn* :p
  19. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Just makes us feel a little younger knowing Star Wars is playing at the movies. :laugh:
  20. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

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