The best shift kit for the TH400

Discussion in 'The "Juice Box"' started by BIGJOE, Nov 9, 2011.


    BIGJOE Well-Known Member

    I want to throw in a shift kit in my TH400 but I want it to shift really hard. I had purchased a turbo 350 4 or 5 years back and it chirped 2nd and 3rd and the guy said he rebuilt it with a race performance shift kit but didn't know what brand. Has anybody used a transgo in a 400 and it shifted really really hard because thats what I want. Thanks in advance Big Joe
  2. Nothingface5384

    Nothingface5384 Detail To Oil - Car Care

    Trans go shift kit. Manual/auto. Not the shift can get a full time manual version too

    BIGJOE Well-Known Member

    Does anybody have this transgo kit and does it shift really hard because I've heard even the level 2 doesn't chirp the tires in a TH400?
  4. online170

    online170 Well-Known Member

    Transgo is the best.

    Theres the shift improver, its kind of a progressive one. The harder you drive the harder it shifts.

    Then theres the stage 1-2. Its the same kit but theres a "programming" aspect to it that makes it a stg2.

    Stg3 is full manual. Lets you hold gear in any RPM. I think it wont let you downshift if the line pressure is at a damaging level.

    Then theres a race version. The race version allows you to shift DOWN or UP at any RPM.

    I have installed the stg2 in a TH350. The 1-2 shift was very agressive, but the trans was tired, so I couldnt feel 2-3.

    I have heard B&M are the most "agressive" feeling. But they are known to be somewhat damaging to the trans.

    BIGJOE Well-Known Member

    Thanks Azeem. That is very helpful. I think I'll install the b&m in my old th350 and install the transgo st2 in my newly rebuilt th400.

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