the angry (nine) inch

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by jdustu, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. jdustu

    jdustu Beached whale

    i got my housing today, when my rear gear guy dropped off my extra 9 3/8s rear, minus a couple brackets :Brow: the axles are on order, maybe now i'll get some time to go tear the old one out.....
    scroll down to the 02/22 update :)
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Kewl! :tu:
  3. jdustu

    jdustu Beached whale

    Now you see it:
    Now you don't:
    a pile of beefy rears and the new one with the axles standing ready, and the camaro was feeling left out:
    there's another update here:

    i'm going back to thinking i'm gonna do an airride suspension...coolwave in the back and shockwave 2000(like the smaller ones but with an eight inch diameter bag) in the front........

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