That should clean out the ole pipes! Large please

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by STAGE III, Oct 30, 2019.


    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

  2. Philip66

    Philip66 Well-Known Member

    You always seem to dig up the best gifs or memes or whatever you call it!!

    My wife just said the other day how ridiculous it is that there is “Pumpkin Spice” everything!! They put that on anything....Pizza, Cheeseburgers, Turkey Sandwiches, Latte’s, Cigars, Rolling Papers, etc! But I don’t think she ever imagined brake fluid would be next!?!!

    Maybe we could make an additive to add to Race Gas so it would smell like cooking a Pumpkin Pie when you floor it!!
  3. johnriv67

    johnriv67 Well-Known Member

    I believe that’s called having a stroke:p.
    They say when you have a stroke you smell burnt toast before you begin to quickly deteriorate
  4. Mike B in SC

    Mike B in SC Well-Known Member

  5. Electra Bob

    Electra Bob Well-Known Member

    Man! That brought back memories of a local old duffer who would tear through the village on his Vincent Black Lightning running Castrol R - sweet!
    STAGE III likes this.

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