Synthetic brake fluid mix with regular?

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by buickbonehead, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. buickbonehead

    buickbonehead WOT Baby!

    I bought some brake fluid and when I got it home I noticed it was a synthetic. Can I mix the synthetic with the reglular stuff that is already in my system?

  2. 70aqua_custom

    70aqua_custom Well-Known Member

    you can but I'm pretty sure if you read the directions on the container it will say not to mix synthetic with regular. I wouldn't do it.
  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Are you sure it isn't Silicone brake fluid DOT5? You can't mix that with regular brake fluid. Synthetic brake fluid should be compatible with regular brake fluid. It has to tell you right on the label.
  4. 70aqua_custom

    70aqua_custom Well-Known Member

    heck larry, I was thinkin silicone the whole time. :Dou: I wasn't aware of synthetic brake fluid until now. Always learning somethin... :TU:
  5. buickbonehead

    buickbonehead WOT Baby!

    It is "synthetic". The bottle says nothing about compatibility with regular dot 3 fluid. It does say compatible with all brake systems.

    I think you can mix them though. It was the only type Prestone had on the shelf. I decided not to take any chances and returned if for the good old fashion type.

  6. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I wasn't either. I put "synthetic Brake Fluid" into Google and came up with a bunch of hits. Everything I read said it was compatible with Dot 3 and 4 fluids. I learned something too :laugh:

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