Discussion in 'The Bench' started by hugger, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Sure, me at 12, my high school graduation pic, and a couple years ago:
    young.png young1.png mmmmmmm.png
  2. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

  3. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    Me next to my Skylark probably back in 1993-94 area.


    And here it is finally getting back togther.

  4. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    Is that a mullet I see? Kinda late in the years for one...
  5. Bens99gtp

    Bens99gtp Well-Known Member

    I have thst issue today with basketball shorts though
  6. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    o_O...............Mullets never go out of style, Guy! Never have, never will. :)
    Guy Parquette likes this.
  7. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    just my boxers here mines impressive but not made for movies lol
  8. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    1991. 2 years after being painted (its still on the car). Apparently I liked jeans :)

    Steve Reynolds, 1972Mach1 and BUQUICK like this.
  9. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Hey Tim, I'm from Conrad MT. Have a lot of friends in Coutts and Milk River. We used to call that a Canadian Tuxedo :) (don't worry, I was all jeaned out too).
  10. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    All good! LOL I have relatives in Milk River, integral part of me getting parts from the US (when the border was open!). You're closer to them than I am. My Sis lives in Sidney MT now, some great roads down there. Used to love driving when the speed limit was 'reasonable and prudent"...too bad that's gone. Loved your trio of pictures, that was pretty neat to see the Mustang from way back to present day. Cool car!
    1972Mach1 likes this.
  11. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Thanks. Yeah those were the good days, had just gotten my license when "reasonable and prudent" was the rule. Pass cops going 90 mph on the interstate out there on the flats and just keep rolling. Once I was 18 years old my senior year, I used to go to Lethbridge at least once a month for obvious reasons (The Top Hat mainly) Love it up there....

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