Sticky Subject

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by rcraig, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. rcraig

    rcraig It's all in the details..

    I Have been given a sport steering wheel that is in great shape. The rim is sticky. I cleaned it but a month later it is sticky again. I have not installed it yet. Why did this happen, and is the wheel salvagable?

  2. Steve Craig

    Steve Craig Gold Level Contributor

    Had the same problem with mine. Cleaned it with Sherwin Williams R7K 158, available at a body shop supply store. Still gets dirty but has not been sticky again.
    I think the chemicals & oils from your hands react with the vinyl material.
    Where in N.S. are you?
  3. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    I've also heard that this is the result of the chemicals in the steering wheel grip breaking down over time and leaching out the oils.
  4. skyphix

    skyphix Well-Known Member

    HAH, and I was just going to post this exact same question. I'll have to head over to the body shop store.
  5. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Simple Green is ssupposed to clean the goo up, too.
  6. 70lark

    70lark Well-Known Member

    I've got one that I pulled from a yard, nice but really sticky. I've scrubbed it, soaked it, hot water, cold water, Simple green, etc........and it just won't go away. I've decided that if I use it, I'm going to put a Wheelskin on it. I think when they get to that point there's no restoring the original feel of them, at least thats been my experience so far.....
  7. LOLO

    LOLO Well-Known Member

    I used gojo hand cleaner cream. So far so good.
  8. ibmoses


    Skunk piss!

    I just used good old WD-40 and it seems to have solved the problem with mine.
    I had it stored in a box wrapped with bubble wrap for several years. When I took it out and unwrapped it I thought it was rurnt. It is fine now.
    It may take it a few weeks to completely dry up.
    Good Luck

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