Stick on weight glue removal

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by monkeyy337, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. monkeyy337

    monkeyy337 monkeyy337

    Got my rear Weld wheels removed and the stick on wheel weights removed but need to know what is the best method to remove the left over glue from the wheel weights. Thanks for any help.
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    You could try WD-40 first. Next up would be denatured alcohol.
  3. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Decal remover is handy. It is sold at most auto stores.
  4. Lon Bauer

    Lon Bauer Well-Known Member

    Charcoal lighter like a charm.
  5. steve covington

    steve covington Well-Known Member

    Fingernail polish remover. CHEAP! Primary ingredient is acetone, an excellent solvent. Bet the significant other ( wife, girlfiend, ) has some. Available in any drug store, dollar store, big box store.
  6. monkeyy337

    monkeyy337 monkeyy337

    Tried the Charcoal lighter fluid today and a razor blade and it worked a treat. I just let the fluid soak in abit and the razor blade took the glue right off. One wheel had over a pound (yes I said pound) of weight on it so there was alot of left over glue. Thanks for the tip.
  7. steve covington

    steve covington Well-Known Member

    What brand of wheel and tire combo required over a POUND of weight to get it in balance?
  8. monkeyy337

    monkeyy337 monkeyy337

    Mickey Thompson ET streets size 13.50x60x15 on 8" Weld Drag Star Wheels. The car is a 84 Regal and I tried 3 different shops to balance the tires. The third shop turned out to be a Mickey Thompson dealer out at Beech Bend who told me that if I wasn't happy with the balance don't come back and pay him. The car had a violent shake before he balanced the tires but after his balance the car was smooth as a kitten.

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