standard verses poly suspension bushings

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by Fl Buick, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. Fl Buick

    Fl Buick 72 350 4 gear

    I`m sure this subject pops up every time some one is rebuilding their suspension. Well I am the guy this time. what I would like is some opinions on the ride quality using the stiffer urethane bushings and how responders feel about the original ride verses their "new improved or not" ride.
  2. harsher ride with poly bushings but less deflection which means greater handling capability. stock rubber for comfortable daily driver type application
  3. Uncle D

    Uncle D Active Member

    I recently completely rebuilt the suspension on my 71 Skylark Custom and used original rubber bushings because it is a street cruiser.

    On my 74 VW Beetle autocross race car I use all poly bushings. Poly bushings make the ride significantly stiffer than stock and regardless of what is "advertised" they always eventually start to squeek.

    Street car - Rubber bushings
    Racing - Poly bushings

    I second that opinion!
  4. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

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