Stage 1 is now.....Stage Done!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Johnno, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King

    I suspect you Massholes really need therapy. Now. :laugh:
  2. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury - I would like to present evidence that confirms the contrary. In Fact, this evidence, here marked Photo 1, depicts Mr. Campbell driving a Red Buick of considerable power. Below that can be found a video - GIVEN TO ME BY THE PLANTIFF HIMSELF !!!! Which should remove all doubt as to his innocence. You be the Judge.....

    :laugh: :Brow: :rant: :rant: :moonu: :moonu:

  3. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Doug ya got me on the tree. :laugh:
  6. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    now come on Ken you know there are no proper citizens up here. :laugh:
  7. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    well now that i see the evidence in exhibit A, i would like to change my plea to guilty by reason of insanity and if that dont work i throw myself to the mercy of the court. :Brow:

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Don't worry John, the state of Mass revoked my "privilege to drive" many years ago. (speed in excess of 105 for 5 miles, driving to endanger, failing to stop on signal).....but I still drive there. :3gears: :rolleyes:
  9. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    Stage Done

    No one gets more enjoyment or has more fun with their BBB's than the Masshole gang! We drive em, beat em, and fix em, ok so there's a little too much fix em! Wait till you see what we have planned for Cecil County!
  10. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    Ok,so here's how the motor sounded shortly before the engine blew:

    Varoom,Varoom,Varoom,(then John proceeds to mash the go pedal and do his tire frying and popping burnout)VRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


    BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

    Another Buick engine into the dumpster-you guys are always trying to keep busy,aren't ya?!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  11. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Errrr....Ummmm......Not ALL make it into the dumpster :Dou: :rolleyes: :laugh:
  12. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I know what he's talking about...

    And in John's defense, he couldn't have been taching more than 3 grand in that video. So I say NOT GUILTY.

    BBB's can handle a 3 grand donut session.

    As for the Goodyears...
  13. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    What are you supposed to do with old engine blocks to get rid of them anyway?
  14. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    Well, since scrap rates have doubled since last summer, $3/100 lbs here in FL. That block is probably worth $3 to $3.50 as scrap. If you don't want to take it to a scrap yard, just drop it off at any body shop or machine shop's scrap pile.
  15. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    Maybe the Massholes can start a scrapyard or boneyard....let's say in the woods behind Quaker City????
  16. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    Not Guilty!

    I hear ya Yardley...steppin' up in favor of one of the Massholes. Let's start a pole; is Johnny Guilty or Not Guilty of killing his engine? I vote Not Guilty.....stricty a mechanical failure!
  17. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    I've seen the "Blair Witch 350" video! No names or faces, please. :Brow:
  18. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    Ken that is hillarious... "the Blair Witch 350" ....too funny ; now how did that video get out? And can you get my licence plate?? Hope not!!! You should have seen what we did to our last 4 door Skylark parts car when we were done with it!!!
  19. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car


    Your lack of innocence is completely protected!!! :)

    No names, faces, license plates... :Brow:
  20. JimRamsey

    JimRamsey "Take 'em to the rim!"


    Innocent as O.J. Simpson :laugh: :3gears: :3gears:

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