Sorry, but I had to tell somebody!!! Another Stage 1 Riviera rumbles to life!

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Dan K, May 23, 2007.

  1. Dan K

    Dan K Well-Known Member

    I spent the last two evenings under the '74 Riviera changing the oil, having the starter rebuilt, checking the wiring, and soaking the cylinders with PB Blaster. I put the starter in tonight, cranked it over, to make sure she wasn't stuck, put the plugs and some fuel in it, and it fired right up and idled smooth. Once the PB burned out of the exhaust, there wasn't any smoke or ticking. YEEHHAAAHHHH!!!! This car was a gift from a friend in Illinois, that I trailored back with a friend from OK this past weekend. It's been sitting indoors since 1988. About the only option it doesn't have is Max track, and they all work! Now I need to get the radiator recored, watch the waterpump, and find new 1/4's. I still need blue armrests, but I belive the '73's are the same. Thanks for listening. Dan :beer
  2. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    Keep on going Dan, pretty soon you'll have one of each year ! :beer :TU:
  3. Dan K

    Dan K Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Randy! I really didn't set out to start a car lot, really! Until the Rivi, I thought I had bought my last car for a long time, but it was a gift too good to turn down. At least it's now a running and driving project....Dan
  4. 65gs76limited

    65gs76limited Well-Known Member

    Dan,if i remember correctly the 74's are not the same as 73 door panels. Tom

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