Soon. very soon..

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by EEE, May 16, 2005.

  1. EEE

    EEE Straight out of lo-cash!

    Well, I'm trying to make a promise to myself to not touch the stuff for about ten days. I've been home with a cold since Thursday now, and everything else has backed up, so play time later. I'm just happy it's here and all set to be installed, and then the tuning of the HEI can begin MOOOAAHHAHAHA.....

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  2. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Just spent a few hours today hooking up a tach in my cutlass. Didn't realize that where I had clamped it to the steering column is the same piece that rotates when you shift into drive until I had to go somewhere. Now it pops up right where I want it when in drive but I gotta watch my knees when I get out so I don't whack it.

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