Someone emailed this to me.......

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nailheadina67, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    They said if I agree to send it to as many people as I thought I'd post it.........I agree with a great part of this, no intention of offending anyone who reads it: :bglasses:


    : This was in the Tampa Newspaper

    Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice??????
    Think about it.

    All I have to say is, when will they do something about
    MY RIGHTS? I celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't
    celebrated by everyone, we can no longer say Merry
    Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings. It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday? We've gone so far the other way, bent over
    backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being
    offended. But, it seems that no one has a problem with that.

    This says it all!

    This is an editorial written by an
    American citizen, published in a
    Tampa newspaper He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!


    I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we
    are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11,
    we have experienced a surge
    in patriotism by the majority
    of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had
    barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about
    the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

    I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those
    who have recently come to
    our country, and apparently some born here, needs to understand. This idea of America being a
    multicultural community
    has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we
    have our own culture, our
    own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

    We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language.
    Therefore, if you wish to become part
    of our society, learn the language!

    "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan... We adopted this motto because Christian men and women,
    on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented.
    It is certainly appropriate to display it
    on the walls of our schools. If God
    offends you, then I suggest you
    consider another part of the world as
    your new home, because God is part
    of our culture.

    If Stars and Stripes offend you, or
    you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
    should seriously consider a move
    to another part of this planet. We
    are happy with our culture and have
    no desire to change, and we really
    don't care how you did things where
    you came from. This is
    our land and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the
    right to express his opinion and we
    will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag,
    our pledge, our national motto, or our
    way of life, I highly encourage you
    take advantage of one other great American freedom,

    If you agree -- pass this along;
    if you don't agree -- delete it!


    I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends
    (and enemies) it will also, sooner or later
    get back to the complainers, lets all try,
  2. BuckeyeBuicks

    BuckeyeBuicks Well-Known Member

    God Bless America

    I agree 100% I am tired of all this pussyfooting around so we don"t offend someone elses culture etc. If you live here speak english or don"t talk to me. This politically correct crap gets under my skin. America, Love it or Leave it!!!
  3. Eric Schmelzer

    Eric Schmelzer Well-Known Member

    Amen!!!!!!! :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu:
  4. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Hmm. This is the United States of America. America itself is a continent. Also, the US of A has no official language (though I only speak English).

    "In God We Trust" was added about 50 years ago, partly for international-political reasons. I wonder if the people who wanted to change it were called "complainers" at the time, and if people suggested they should leave the US.

    My family has been here about 100 years, (twice as long as "In God We Trust," which is only one-fourth as old as this country). I'm third generation, but I feel that the posted mail is suggesting I'm un"American" for not agreeing. On some points it would definitely suggest I leave.

    Now, I may disagree with parts of the posting, but I've never suggested people who dont' agree with me, or who disagree with the right to of people to excercise their rights , should leave.
  5. buickman71

    buickman71 da RED BEAST!

    plain and simple

    if u come to this country and whine that u dont like it..get the fudge out..and to all who dont agree with this u r my number 1 tired of people commin here thinkin they can take control....bottom line is that if you r american..then it is your right to agree with this..all who doesnt..there is always a big land for sale in iraq


    proud to be an american
  6. JTY

    JTY 1969 Buick Skylark

    I guess i'm "UnAmerican", and I should go back home. Oh wait, the past 4 or 5 generations on one side have been in the USA, and the other side well heck they came with the pilgrims.

    Damn... that means a good portion of my family who served in combat are "UnAmerican" as well.

    Let's recall the time where the term "UnAmerican" became popular. It was the HUAC, or the House UnAmerican Commitee, anything they didn't like was UnAmerican. You could be thrown in jail for no reason at all.
  7. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Wow, I wonder if this is a backlash agains the rampant political correctness. I am really shocked by what most of the email says. I though the U.S. was the land where all men were created equal, a land formed by people FLEEING opression and Persecution. A land that is currently made up on people that at one time or another immigrated here. True it is a "melting pot" culture where one gets absorbed while adding you're own culture, but in every city there are pockets of "little China and little Italy"

    I think being un american would could be defined as being: Unable to accept somebody that is different from the norm.

    Unforunatly THAT happens far to often.
  8. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    I'm a wee chap. I'm almost pushing 21. So far, I have lived in a very white culture. 99% of my towns pop. is white. In fact,, There was only 1 african american in my class. I'm very ignorant to the whole cultural debate. However, I some how formed a few opinions on the matter. Some of the stuff is legit, some of it is bogus. For example, Locally there was a big debate about some Kid who was trying to go to public school, BUT it was against his relegion to have immunization shots so the school didn't want to let him in. I respected the family.

    AS for the people who put the big stink up about the "under god" I disagree with. The people who think it is wrong do not realize that the "god" part of those statements is meant to be a arbritrary word. As in a generalization, not refering to anything in specific. But what most American-Christians don't realize is that Christianity is the only relegion that refers to their supreme being as "god". thats the name that was given, its not "a god" he's "god". God is his name. We also refer to every other relegion's supreme being(s) as their god or gods. all of there supreme beings all have names, like Ala, Budda,(sorry for the spelling) and so on. Hence, the Chrisitian's supreme being is named GOD. So, one could easily confuse "under god", for "under the christian God", not the arbritray sense of the word. That easily contradicts the American values for which the constitution stands for. separation of church and state. the real problem is that we are using 1 word for 2 uses. Bassically, they non-christians see it as we would see this "in ala we trust" Those people, need to do some reading, and learn the meaning behind the phrases :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

    Being Politically correct is much different than culturally senstive. people think they aresame
    I hate all the politically correct bull$hit. Being culturally sensitive is what the constitution stands for. America lives, operates, witholds, fights for the constitution, and if you don't like what it means, how "American" are you??
  9. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    Culturally sensitive..........very well said, Joe. :bglasses:
  10. desertrat_1960

    desertrat_1960 DIE !!! RICE BOY...ZERRP!

    I FULLY Agree

    With the original post . Something I noted while living in England for 8 years 7 off base : WE do NOT speak English !! We speak American . Believe me when I say we took the "Queens English" and just "Buggered " it :laugh:
    My wife(past tense) & I went to a village pub alot where I was the only American there . I was not well liked just because I was a "Yank" .Her and I had brought a small writting pad and after getting a bit "LIT" we came up with the Idea of a "Yank Speak Dictionary" .After a while we were rolling on the ground coming up with different words/expressions/same meanings. We soon had an audience of locals who were more than happy to share and compare . We had a Fantastic Time and were welcomed back after that .
    That night we came up with over 100 words that are totally foriegn but mean the same .
    I found out early I needed to adapt to their ways to be accepted , NOT expect them to adapt to mine !!
    So you'll see here I don't refer to us speaking English and I use the term American for a good reason .
    I'm just a mutt , 95% (+ - ) of us are mostly of European/Asian Decent .
    I'm a Vet , I'm an American and Dang Proud of BOTH !
    Some good "Cons" were addressed here . Yes , Those that immigrate to our country are more than welcome . However......... They made a choice to come here for a better life in AMERICA . I feel that if they come here they need to make every effort to become US Citizens . Learn our Language (at least well enough to communicate !!) customs beliefs , We don't require that they forget thiers !! Mutual Respect / Freedom of Religion .
    But we pander to the immigrants ... Spanish , French etc. on all labeling
    Driving Manuals / Tests , Ballots etc. Is it the same in other countries ? Would they pander to our needs to the extent of sacrificing thier language etc. so as to not offend us , I think NOT!! Immigrants need to embrace our country , flag ,
    and learn to be a functional part of our society . NO special manuals instructions , teach American Language 101 in ALL our schools .
    Please ; Come here if "you " need peace and freedom , and a better life for yourselves and the next generations of Americans .
    Don't come here with your " Welfare Hand " extended thinking WE as a Country OWE you because you had it rough in Timbucktwo or " Bum%^&^%$ Egypt " !! They are here and need to adapt to a new society to some extent .

    These are a couple of examples :
    1} In a local grocery store one night 2 customers could not speak American ,so the teller yelled across the way "Any one here speak %^ ?"
    Torqued me the wrong way so I replied "Any one here speak American"?

    2]96'-97' In Sparks Nevada there was an Explosion at an Explosives Man. Plant that actually registered on University of Nevada @ Reno's Richter Scale.
    Basically a worker left a batch of explosives in a vat overnight which hardened up . The next day a worker turned on the mixer . KABOOOOM !!
    Early Retirement !
    OSHA Investigators deemed it "Operator Error" as well as a Management Error .
    WTF !!??? OSHA said Management should have had training manuals in Spanish ..
    BULLS^%$ !! .
    3] My wife worked at an Equine Vitamin Factory . 2 Latinos' came there to work . Niether Spoke American . She was in charge of converting/mixing the formulas formulas by the hundreds of gallons . She was told to train these people , who on hire were paid $5.00 more an hour than her because they were men !! SSOB"S . This factory provided Animal Supplements world wide to clients in Asia , Middleast etc. She trained them for a week or 2 then left after she was refused a wage increase . Guess they had ALOT of problems after that as the lead supervisor also left , leaving those two and 1 other trying to figure the mix/formulas . :beer
    A working knowledge of American is Imperative in the working environement .
    Reading Maps , directions, driving , this is America we measure miles not "Cliks" our road signs are in American .
    I could go on but you may understand my feelings , you may agree, you may disagree .This IS America afterall .
  11. JTY

    JTY 1969 Buick Skylark

    I just looked up to see how the pledge of allegiance was modified.. it's not listed as "god". It's "God" with a capital G, or atleast a large majority of people write it that way. When written with a captial G it's referring solely to a Christian god.

    Now, we could debate semantics all day, and I would be more than happy to. However, if we do recall in most religions failing to accept their "god" means you are to be damned.
  12. RIVI1379

    RIVI1379 Well-Known Member


    Like It Or Not, The Institution Of Freedom We All Enjoy Came From Primarily One Thing, And That Was Work. Physical Labor. Labor Many Of Us Cannot Imagine Or Never Experience. And Those People Who Worked Hard Enough And Fought Hard Enough To Become Americans At The End Of The Day Were Probably "thanking God", Or Whomever (gotta Get That In There)-that They Made It Another Day. It Would Seem Disrespectful To Alter The Groundrules Our Forefathers Have Created For Us, The Foundation That Holds All We Enjoy Financially, Religiously, Etc. There Should Be Alot More Effort By Everyone Who Enjoys This Soil On Being An American And Less Emphasis On Being The One Who Receives The Benefits Of Coming To America. Prosperity Came From Hard Work, It Can Happen Again. For The Most Part, I Enjoy The Message From The Tampa Paper.
  13. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    The only thing I can't stand is people that don't understand "seperation of church and state". We KNOW what happens when a country is run by religion, just take a look at the middle east. Just leave the religious stuff to churches, don't force it on other people.

    As far as the language speaking thing, if you come to a country that speaks predominantly english, learn english. Nobody is stopping you from speaking spanish, just learn english, there's nothing impossibly hard about that. Majority rules here whether people like it or not.
  14. godziller

    godziller Well-Known Member

    O THAT IS JUST THE BEST THING I HAVE READ IN A WHILE okay now that, that was said i am have hispanic i dont speak spanish i speak ENGLISH i love this country what would i do if could not beat down hondas in america hmm not i thing :3gears: . y complain get over it unless it is buick related. burn your tires when your mad and want to complain about something or just burn them cause you want to because we are free. Just from me and my idea
  15. JTY

    JTY 1969 Buick Skylark

    Although, I have many disagreements with that posting. It is a very biased article, from someone who is probably a Christian evangelist, I do agree one thing.

    If someone moves to the U.S. they should learn to speak English. Would save a ton in paper costs, every government document I get is in two languages.

    As for the "Winter Break" issue. I guess everyone that was in U.S. at founding was Christian, that no other religions existed on this continent. That's a load of BS.

    Then again, I guess times don't change we'll always have hatred amoungst groups and it can be safely blamed on religion.
  16. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    Sorry to break this to you Cody, but the entire premise of our freedom as individuals and then as a country is based on the belief in God by the fathers (and their wives too) of this country. Here is an excerpt of:

    The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    So I guess you have no right to freedom if this premise is faulty.
  17. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Just because they believed in it does not mean that they thought that we should be ruled by it.
  18. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I agree 100% with it being "American" instead of true "English." :) At least nobody used poor spelling, grammar, punctuation, or syntax when insisting we speak "English." :TU:

    It is strange that people have the right to do something, and those unhappy with that suggest they leave. Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?

    Kyle, since I am a natural citizen, I have the "right to agree with this?" Is this correct, or did you mean disagree? Just checking...

    We have "summer break" and "spring break" - why not "Winter?"

    The UPI (defunct), AP, and other style books say the "g", when refering to the Judeo-Christian god, should be capitilized because it is a proper name. Otherwise it is a lower-case "g," or the god in question's name is used. Then again, these are just style-books.

    If it was truly meant to be a generalization, though, then I wonder how many people would agree to changing it to "In Allah We Trust?" Some religions have many gods, some do not credit their god or gods with creation of humans, some of the founding fathers were deists, etc.

    Also: Buddha is not a god (and Buddhists don't believe in gods), not everyone believes in a god, and there are organization of devout Christians who strongly support the separation of church and state - so its really is a complex issue.

    Personally, I think the political-correctness has gotten a bit too far. Though I try to be culturally sensitive. Personally, I do not get offended if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah or whatever else I've been wished - I get what they mean. However, being employed by a state university, I should be careful of what I say (in the capacity of state employee). Though we have no issues with this at work, I can understand where the concern comes from.

    I initially held off responding until a couple others did, because of the mayhem we encounted the last time we had the same subject. However, I am impressed with the thread so far - it seems, for the most part, that we are discussing this in a rational and respectful manner.
  19. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    Well, I was an english major for exactly 1 1/2 semesters. turns out I don't get along with MLA, or APA.

    Back to the thread...
    Heres a question to ponder that fits right in:
    When my Great, Great Grandfather came from Ireland, (I'm damn proud to be Irish, Almost to a fault), how long did it take for my family to go from Irish Immigrants, it "Irish Americans" to just plain "American"?? You know, We talk about people who don't speak the American language like their bad immigrants. Has it ever occured to anyone that perhaps they are haven't been in America to perfect their spoken english??? maybe their fresh off the boat... maybe their still getting the hang of things. I bet, if you saw the so-called offend immigrant speaking their native language, that a year or two later they'd be speaking American. If I decided to live in France, I'd hang out in the American talk town, rather than try to speak french. Even after 4 years of studying French. I'd bet my dollar to your dime you would do the same. after a while I migh "fit in" with the natives, but in the meantime I'm looking for the place that can understand what I'm saying!!!

    As for my incorrect buddha reference, I'm sorry to any Buddhist that mey have been offended. I know A guy named Buddha that started that relegion, I thought they worshiped him?? Maybe I should contact my Freshman Globa studies teacher...
  20. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    Oh I totally agree with you. But one must recognize that the founding father's (and their wives - gotta be pc here :laugh: ) entire argument for people being free and the formation of this nation separate from tyranny is based on rights given to all by God.

    So even today I don't see how the "state" can be separated from its religous roots, no matter how much some people may not like it. I believe the first thing done every day when either house of congress meets is pray. The ACLU must be having fits over this!

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