Discussion in 'The Bench' started by jhems17, Dec 22, 2018.

  1. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    Seafoam user here Use it in all my mowers,generators and small motors as well as my Beetles and other cars.It is good stuff for me..
  2. iowacat

    iowacat Well-Known Member

    For me...

    Seafoam if it has a carburetor,
    Chevron Techron if it is fuel injected.

    Naysayers or not, Seafoam has saved me a few carburetor rebuilds due to old/bad gas and Tecron shut off a check engine light that the dealership said the catalytic converter was bad and cleared the code.
  3. gsgnnut

    gsgnnut Well-Known Member

    Magic in a can. Use it all the time.

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