Rockford Fosgate Amps - old Punch 150/75s wanted

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by acaciaavenue, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. acaciaavenue

    acaciaavenue Chopsocky Champion

    I know it's not really a Buick part, but it's for my Riv - I want to go old school on my stereo system, so I am looking for functioning late 80's/early 90's era Rockford Fosgate Punch 150 or Punch 75 amps. They look like this:


    I'm also looking on Ebay as well - I've had good experiences buying things here on the boards, so I thought I would check here to see if anyone might have these laying around from the good ole days where our stereos were the most important functioning part of the car. Haha.

    YOu can message me, or email me direct at

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