"Rocket Scientists" have newfound respect for Buick Torque

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 69GS400s, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Yesterday I was at a BBQ relating to another of my hobbies - Remote Control model Air Planes. Long Island is often called "The Cradle of Aviation" because of the numerous Aeroplane/Aerospace companies that had their roots here, and alot of the employee's were modelers in their spare time.

    In my club there are at least 20-25 retired / near retired Grumman engineers and quite a few were at the BBQ yesterday afternoon. Of Course I drove the GS which always gets appreciated when I take it to the club field.....but more by the "young" members than the older crowd

    Gerhardt is approx. 70, worked at Grumman designing the Rocket Booster for the Lunar Lander that was built on Long Island for the Appolo missions. Jimmy, 63, worked on the F14 TomCat project. I never tire of listening to the stories these and the other Grumman engineers tell

    Well....about 15 minutes after I "Rumbled" up to the BBQ, Gerhardt and Jimmy asked If they could go out front and look at the GS - I said "Looking is Free....rides cost a nickel each" :Brow:

    It took about 5 minutes to worm my way out of the sidestreets and onto a sizeable street that I could let the GS stretch its legs....during the 5 minutes they remarked how smmoth the ride is and how docile it seems just driving around.....until I got to the open road:laugh:

    As I was turning right onto the 4 lane, I said....."put your Heads back against the restraints, RocketMen !!!" and laughed as I Pinned them to the seatbacks with a Real healthy ride all the way up to triple digit-land

    To say they were shocked is an understatement. Gerhardt was genuinely scared to death (as he himslef said) and Jimmy was like a Kid on a rollercoaster ride Hootin' and hollerin'. Both said they've never felt any G's like that before in their Lives, and both said they had "Performance cars" back in the 50's and 60's

    :Smarty: Yesterday I taught the Scientists a thing about Torque
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Yeah, Alan, but you don't have a cupholder.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  3. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    good thing you told em 2 put their heads back...smart move..insurance may not cover whip-lash of that degree...:Brow:

  4. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    LOL :laugh:
  5. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    haha, awesome story man, i love it... i took a few people from work for a ride.. they were thinking "oh... buick, blah".. well... i think the words of one of my fellow coworkers was "OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO GET A TICKET".. lol.. ;) if low 13's are fast... i'd hate to see what she says when i get it in the 12's ;)
  6. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    Alan,did u tell`em "and it aint no Chevy":Brow:
  7. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    Way to go!!! Very cool Alan,I like that story:TU:

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