Ring-type Coil Spring Stabilizer

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by pgkeating, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. pgkeating

    pgkeating Member

    I was wondering if anyone has tried these rubber/nylon spacers? I have a '65 Electra that has only 82K, but sags a bit. It's a driver, but I'd like to get it up w/o replacing the entire set of coils. Thoughts?
  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    u want to place a spacer between the coils of the spring? these spacers used to be metal. there will be extra strain on the coil where the spacer is placed, but they do work.
  3. pgkeating

    pgkeating Member

    Thanks Gerry,

    I guess they are split so that you can either weave them into the coil or use them under the spring and on top of the perch. I'm trying to solve the sag w/o replacing the entire set of springs.

    I did see the metal spacers, but they seem to only list the application for rear springs, not all four corners.


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