"revamp" the gamecock??!!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by wilburdean, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    a south carolina senator wants to take the spurs off of the gamecock mascot becouse he thinks it endorses the illegal sport of "cock fighting". i have never known anyone who would see the picture of our gamecock and think of anything other than the school and it's athletic teams.

    the history of the mascot goes back to the revolutionary war leader thomas sumter. his fearlessness led the british to call him the " south carolina gamecock." i say yeah get rid of the spurs if that makes them happy. but it opens the door for them to change the mascot later. it's part of this states history. cockfighting in it's self is in my opinion immoral and should be illegal. the sen. (darrell jackson, democrat) says because it has been part of our culture, it is a part of our culture we can do without. he says that rape, murder and robbery has been going on in our state forever, and also affects our culture. we don't glorify any of these illegal acts by making them a mascot or putting them up on billboards. this is very true. but it also makes me wonder why the esteemed senator is not spending his time trying to do something about them, instead of attacking something as trivial as an artists rendering of a chicken?

    he must be a clemson fan.

    let's get rid of the spurs, and i say in all fairness let's de-claw clemsons tiger, and knock out all his teeth while we're at it. those things could kill someone.

    i hope ya'll don't mind me venting a little here. i'd like to hear some opinions.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2006
  2. Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley Well-Known Member

    My opinion is this:

    Apparently, things are going quite well in the world for most people if they have the time and energy to worry about crap like this. If people had to get up in the morning, and forage for their food and walk everywhere they needed to go and sew their own clothes and cut wood to heat their homes - then they wouldn't have time to worry about inane, boorish, BS political correctness.

    Just think if the time these people spent protesting sports mascots were spent elsewhere:

    They could have built a Habitat for Humanity Home.
    They could have taught their children some morality and manners.
    They could have served food to homeless people.

    Gee, I bet homeless people really don't allocate time out of their day to worry about whether some overly sensitive pansy :moonu: people have been offended by cartoon drawings. I guess they have more important things to worry about. Like whether they will eat today and where they will sleep.

    :af: Of course, you could've guessed I'd agree with you.

    BF2KNIGHT Buickless for now

    You have got to be kidding :Dou:

    Being an Alum of USC (GO COCKS), I think the legislators need something more constructive to do. Maybe this is based on the time when USC vs. USC football game took place during my Jr. year! Let's say it was an interesting week prior to the game :Brow: :Brow:

    The big thing we have up here are all the schools that have native american names (braves, etc)...they are not PC....let the big crimes go undaunted, but we HAVE to change these names! Go figure....
  4. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    and thus the further incremental pansification of society continues.

    you realize what this means, don't you?

    it's now your duty as a fine upstanding citizen of South Carolina to go round to every Darrell Jackson sign you can find and over paint it with 'Pansy'. go to it young man. :TU:
  5. Hector

    Hector '79 Buick Limited

    I've read on the papers of people who wants to do away with the gamecock altogether,they just don't have anything better to do. :af:
  6. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    What about the phrase the cheerleaders once had on their rears? Is it gone too? "Nobody .......")
  7. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    People that want to change the Mississippi state flag put me in the same frame of mind. Stop reading negatives into everything and give some leeway for the interesting history these symbols have.
  8. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    yeah not too long ago they had a nationally televised game on a thursday night against kentucky at williams-brice. espn made the school cover up alot of the signs around the campus. they felt that the use of the term "cock" or "cock's" was a little too blue for prime time. we all know what the term refers to. but i think it's a little out of context when your offended by a school mascot, or slogan. i also believe that if the spurs on the bird inact a rash of "cock fighting" in our state, then some other mascots should be changed as well. how about making notre dames mascot the "pacifist irish". and we could probably do away with deleware's blue hen, as it is derived from a breed of "fighting chicken" also.

    i thank you for your responses and i believe i'll write sen. jackson a letter.
    i think i've wasted enough of every one's time on this, and i believe i'll ask him to stop wasting his time fooling with this. if maybe he could find something a little more culturally significant to spend his time and our tax dollars on.

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