Red new addiction!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by derek244, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. derek244

    derek244 Gold Level Contributor

    OH dang...

    I felt kind tired today, SO I drank a Red Bull. Next thing I know I'm doin' all the chores! Thank God for this miracle liquid!!!

    :beer :pp :bglasses: :Brow: :Dou:
  2. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    YA know... This is coming from a guy that survived the coke craze of the 80's.
    I tried a can of that a few years ago when the big craze started of mixing it with drinks and so forth, and I have never had anything make my heart palpitate so irregular, or make me so unable to concentrate on a task than that sh*t!

    No good!
  3. 69GSCAL

    69GSCAL Well-Known Member

    Amen Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You ought to try and mix that with a shot of vodka over a few ice cubes. :Brow: :Brow: :Brow: :Brow: :Brow: :Brow:

    EODLEGS Well-Known Member

    rum and coke with a splash of vanilla is my go-getter! - cheap man's captain morgan! Most of my posts seem to come as a result of pouring at least two of those humdingers!
  5. 10inchbuick

    10inchbuick Midwest Buick Mafia

    Red bull and absolute makes for an interesting evening.But I agree I can't take it anymore I like to sleep and feel in control.
  6. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Have you tried the new Budweiser E? Looks just like a Red Bull can...kinda citrusy tasting....pretty good if you ask me..
  7. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Blow, Snow, etc.

    Of course you understand, I don't mean "The New Coke" craze.

    Anything that amps you up like that is not good for you!
  8. skitzofrenic66

    skitzofrenic66 What's an Import?

    i read in maxim magazine a few months back that energy "beers" are the new craze..ive tried a few and some taste like stomcah acid but for the most part you can get pretty sloshed and have lots of energy for about $2-3!!

    p.s. i dont condone alcaholic beverages in any way shape or form. all acahol should be consumed at least 100 feet away from and buicks an/or tools. :Dou:
  9. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I've tried Amp (mountain dew's energy drink) and red bull. Both lack in the "tastes good" category. I didn't get "amped" or "grow wings" and they gave me the same energy as a regular (caffiene laden) can of soda.
  10. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    The first time I saw an energy beer I just laughed - I've watched too much Drew Carey.

    As for Red Bull, I tried it and it didn't do much... then again, I drink at least 2 litres of Pepsi a day :Do No:
  11. GrittyKitty

    GrittyKitty Guest

    The original energy drink is Jolt Cola..

    It's tag line is.

    "All the sugar and twice the caffeine."

    Drink a couple of them then try to sit down for 5 minutes. :laugh: :eek2: :eek2: :Dou:
  12. gaw6584

    gaw6584 Beer Delivery Guy

    B to E

    The budweiser E in columbus oh will be out next week i drink red bull & 180s good stuff :beer
  13. navybuick

    navybuick Active Member


    its called a jager bomb shot of jager miester dropped into redbull and shot or drank generally leads to a great night of spewing and not being able to pass out AWESOME :bglasses:
  14. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    I was intrigued... more info here...

  15. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Thanks for the link!
  16. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    I'll stick with MD :grin:
  17. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    I happen to be a caffeine addict. And I'm well aware of it. However, if I can get through a day without it I try to. I work almost full-time and go to school full-time, getting up early every morning between work and school. I get tired and sometimes I drink either "Rock Star" which is like 3x red bull I think or I take a caffeine pill (the kind you take when driving long trips) which is 200 mg (about 5 1/2 diet pepsi cans) and that keeps me alert. I can't afford to take time off of work or sleep through class, so I'm in a bad situation. But more and more frequently I get through the whole day without any energy drinks or pills and maybe one or two caffinated pops :) Also, I hardly ever eat :( but I never loose anymore weight :rant:

    I don't drink alcohol, but I do mix pineapple juice and diet pepsi :D Very tasty!
  18. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Are you sure it's not MGD?:Brow:
  19. gaw6584

    gaw6584 Beer Delivery Guy

    Not MGD :spank: Budweiser :spank:
  20. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Killians? mmmmmmmm.....Killians.[​IMG]

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