Rear wheel houses

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by canadiangsfan, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. canadiangsfan

    canadiangsfan Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know of a supplier for outer rear wheel houses for a 69 GS, Will ones from any A body fit or do they have to be from a Buick. If anyone has some used ones let me know how much, thanks.
  2. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    I would think that would be an "a" body universal thing.
  3. canadiangsfan

    canadiangsfan Well-Known Member

    Thanks those other A bodys are easier to come by.
  4. rack-attack

    rack-attack Well-Known Member

    I know the 70-72 outers are not the same as other A-bodies, The inners are the same though.

    I don't think any other 69 a body has the same rear wheel quarter panel shape as the 69..........

    I could be wrong though

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