Quick Question

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by Wicked50, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Wicked50

    Wicked50 Well-Known Member

    I was messing with my eninge trying to disassemble what I could. I took a wrench to the Harmonic Balancer and gave it a turn and I heard what sounded like a sping strechting and contracting or air being pushed. Is this normal?
  2. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    could be.....air going in and out of the spark plug holes.... and the sound of the rings scraping the cyl walls... squirt some oil in each cyl,,, about a table spoon full to each one.....
  3. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Impact gun needed for the bolt through the balancer.
  4. tysongross

    tysongross Well-Known Member

    Use a pair of vise grips on the fly wheel to keep it from turning, you'll never get that bolt lose with the engine is turning over. Also that bolt is torqued down to about 200 pounds.

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