Quick answer needed, brake drum width?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 78ParkAvenue, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. 78ParkAvenue

    78ParkAvenue LED Interior Lighting

    I'm doing the rear brakes on my electra. The passenger side rear drum was pretty scored, and the shoe was almost non-existent. I am going to replace the drums on both sides; I guess just to keep things even. When I called around for the parts everyone wanted to know if the drums were 4"wide or 3.25" wide. How exactly do I measure the drum width?

    Is it the overall drum width?
    Is it the width of the drum braking surface?

    The guy at the local parts store said to measure the braking surface, but that only measures to 2.5"

    I measured the overall width, and that came out to 4.5"

    If this is the case, than none of the parts stores have the right parts as the measurements are off.

    I need to do this pretty quickly as I want to be able to drive, I can order the parts today, then they will arrive in the morning.
  2. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I looked on www.rockauto.com They have alot of drums listed. Seems to be 9 1/2" and 11" brakes. Alot of choices. I'd take a drum down and match it.

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