
Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GS45570, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. GS45570

    GS45570 Member

    i am a problebly the youngst guy on this whole board lol. but why would u buy a clone. i curiouse
  2. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Sometimes because you are going to customize it, and you feel "less guilty" making major modifications to a clone than you do when you do the same to an original car that is rare. Or you really want to drive it a lot, and don't necessarily want to drive a $175k original 3 speed Stage 1 convertible into the ground and lose the value, so you get a clone. :laugh:

    Primarily because of price. You can get a "clone" for a lot less than an original. In many cases, the clone will perform as good (or better) than the original. They won't hold the same value and have the same appreciation as an original, but if you can't afford the real thing to start with, it doesn't matter.

    I could maybe afford a real GSX, but I don't know if I could "afford" to drive one (or feel comfortable doing it) or justify the price at this stage of my life (38 years old). I was able to buy a real Stage 1 GS, that has been cloned into a GSX, and I feel comfortable taking it out driving it.
  3. GS45570

    GS45570 Member

    cool ty for the info aren't clones good parts cars. well any ways there is a orginal 1970 stage 1 convertable with orginal owner over by my opostal shop it got a know top. the ower got it as a grad gift from her dad

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