Question on saved threads?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Andrew Skidmore, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    So when I get an email telling me I have a new message form and I look at it, decide its information is usefull and would like to keep it for further use on my email, can I go to my email anytime and click on the link inside of it that sends me to the thread and not be in fear of it getting erased? Not by my email provider, but will filter out the thread sooner or later so I cannot go to my email and lets say view a thread from that link on my email that is a year old or so? How does this work? Can you folks help me sleep better on this one? I have too many links inside of my email pertaining this site and if I lose it I will have lost many months of hard work and pain, well you know what I mean.
  2. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    There's threads dating back a few years so I doubt it will be deleted any time soon.
  3. David G

    David G de-modded....

    In general, we have not purged old posts/threads on the board. However, original posters have the power to delete their own threads if they so choose. And believe it or not, :) from time to time, there is a need to remove threads that cross the line. I do believe that we will be archiving old threads too, at some point. We are currently missing some old threads, that were lost when the board was hacked a few months ago. My advice is to copy/paste the info you don't want to lose, and save it on your own computer as a text file.
  4. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    They are also saved in your subscribed theads that you can access from your usercp button.I just purged 130 yesterday dating back about a year.
  5. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    Great idea I think I will go ahead and do that just for backup on the threads I need, thanks.

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