Q-Jet fuel filter spring ?

Discussion in 'The Venerable Q-Jet' started by VinMan, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. VinMan

    VinMan Well-Known Member

    I have a Thread on here about Fuel Filters...... long story short, I'm going back to the filter pre-carb at inlet and will use either the wix or napa 3083 or 33083 nylon per our Creator's recommendation...... I mean Larry Ignition man.... :laugh:

    With that said, I did not have a spring, so I ordered one from the Q-jet on line place and they sent me 2 springs, which one do I use:

    1. There's a shorter fatter spring
    2. There's a longer skinny spring

    My guess would be #1

    The Moron......
  2. carbking

    carbking carburetion specialist

    It all depends on which carburetor you are using; there are different springs, just as there as SEVERAL different length filters. DEFINATELY NOT "one size fits all".

    Also depends on if you are using a stock fuel inlet filter nut or an aftermarket one; as the depth of the filter surface on the aftermarket nuts are different.

  3. VinMan

    VinMan Well-Known Member

    It's 71 Q-jet (original 70 is in a box). It has the stock inlet on it, in fact both the 70 and the 71 have the exact same inlet. It's not a "short" one, it's the factory stock longer style.

    VinMan out....
  4. carbking

    carbking carburetion specialist

    Would have been easier had you supplied a carb number. Seems all 1971 Buick Q-Jets used filter GF-441 and filter spring 7034442. The 7034442 spring is approximately 9/16 inch O.D. with a length of close to 1 inch.

  5. VinMan

    VinMan Well-Known Member

    I just figured out why there were so little response's to this POST....... that's becuase you'd have to lilterally take the Short Bus to School to not figure out which spring is corrent once you look at all the pieces. :Dou:

    It's as obvious as Square peg Round hole....... or is it Sponge Bob Square Pants....(gee... I wonder if I have kids)...... :bglasses:

    A. I'm a Moron
    B. I'm not only Italian, I'm Sicilian
    C. Pull Head out of Ass
    D. All of the above

    Corresct answer is..... D :TU:

    By the way, took the inline filter out and used the wix 33083 and car runs great.

  6. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Well, I'm Italian, but not Sicilian, so I won't be offended - it was your non-Sicilian side that figured it out :laugh:

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