Punches - HTP vs. Whitney

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by xhp734, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. xhp734

    xhp734 Hearing the Voices again.

    I'm comparing my Whitney punch to the HTP hole punch/flange tool. At a glance, it looks as if the HTP would fit into more spaces than the Whitney. In terms of hole punch quality (e.g. risk of dimpling around the hole?), are they the same?
    For those hard-to-bite-around areas, could a drill do just as well when set for a lower speed with little force applied?
  2. BillMah52

    BillMah52 Well-Known Member

    The htp punch/flanger is a great tool. Clean holes in 20 ga. but the flanging part is what I am more impressed. A flanged lap weld is much easier to work with and there is less chance of warping.
    As far as drilling, use good cobalt bits for a clean hole.

    We're a friendly group here. Put a name in your posts so we know to whom we are exchanging info. First name is good enough. :TU:
  3. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    I bought one from www.harborfreight.com
    and it works great. Flanger and punch in one tool.
    Also, if you do any panel repair/replacement, get some
    Cleco panel holders.
  4. xhp734

    xhp734 Hearing the Voices again.

    The HTP is starting to sound well worth looking into now.
    On the drill-bit matter, I think I'll hold off on that approach for now. However, my wife did just give me a drill-bit sharpener for Christmas. Now, THAT is love. :) :pp

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