Printed wiring harness

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by Hawaii69GS, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. Hawaii69GS

    Hawaii69GS Scotti

    I'm going to swap out the old crusty wires in my 69 GS350 for a new after market harness, but wanted to know what anyone would recommend regarding the different printed wiring harnesses.
    Painless or ????
    I have a 69 GS350, but I transplanted a 455 from a 70 Riviera. There are no power options on this car, but I did add an electric fuel pump and dual electric fans. I may add a high end stereo later.
    Just so everyone knows, I have a 21 cuircut painless printed harness that a friend gave me, but it looks like the fuse/junction box will end up inside the engine compartment and I thought it would be best if it were inside the car/drivers compartment. Away from the heat...
    Please let me know...:confused:

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