Presidents passing /Nancy's Poise

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Bruce Hunter, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Bruce Hunter

    Bruce Hunter Well-Known Member

    Hey Gang, I'm not a real political person, but strongly believe in voting, and standing up for America. just got done watching President Regans funeral prosession and was kinda aw struck at Nancy's poise during the event, the obvious love they shared over 52 years was amazing, let alone her caring for him the past ten years.
    I was drawn to tears as she aproached the casket in the Rotunda in DC. Call me as sap, but I was very impressed with her poise, just like her husband, cool under fire and a professional at all times.

    My .02 worth

    God's speed to President Regan


    NOTNSS Gold Level Contributor


    I too was riveted to the TV watching the entire ceremony and remarked about her composure during VP Cheney's remarks. What strength and dignity.

    Immediately following on my favorite network was O'Reilly and reporting that Jack Chirac will NOT attend Reagan's funeral even though he's in Georgia for the economic summit. What a slap in the face to Reagan and all Americans. If you watched any of the D-Day ceremonies you probably saw replays of Reagan's speech at Normandy 20 years ago. It was inspiring. This week President Bush's remarks were remarkable as well, stating that what we (the US) did then we "would do again for our friends".

    Nothing ambiguous about how President Reagan viewed the world and what it would take to make it better, for millions.
    Hats off to a great man.
  3. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    I've given some thought to all of the this. Mainly regarding all of the kind words spoken. I hope that all the kind words spoken are truthful and not some political ploy as I think some of them must be. I've always been of the thought, If you didn't like them in life, there is no need to honour them in death. Maybe Chirac didn't get along with Regan, lord knows he doesn't get along with Bush all that well. And not everybody thinks he was a great leader, and I'm glad to see those people just doing what my mother always said. "If you've got nothing nice to say...."
  4. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    Watching todays ceremony was about the most moving thing I have ever seen. I was so proud to be an American it brought tears to my eyes.
  5. Adam Whitman

    Adam Whitman Guest

    Yep, I tend to agree with the idea that I don't want anybody I didn't like at my funeral. I don't like phonies in life, and sure don't like the idea of them showing up upon my death. But like Trevor mentioned, that doesn't mean you can't be respectful.

    I read on Drudge this morning that Clinton was sniveling because he wasn't selected as a speaker. Talk about self-centered!
  6. Gumby

    Gumby Guest

    Regan was such a good president. And behind every good president is an excellent first lady. He told the Russians where to stick it and put terrorist in their place. [Bush is still carrying out that tradition.]

    The funeral was very neat. I have never seen one like that. I was in the Jr VFW and know how you gotta do all them odd steps slow and deliberate for ceremonies but wow. It was neat but do not think I could remember all them steps. I think there were 15 movements just to put their hands to their sides.
  7. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Political Part:
    Your right, Reagan did put terrorist in their place. There can be no doubt that his funding of Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban have made the world a safer place.

    Plus, we can all be proud of the Iran-Contra affair, where he illegally gave arms to a nation that Reagan himself was denouncing as a supporter of terrorism, so that he could fund terrorist groups opposing a democratically elected government(but PRO-U.S. terrorists groups -- an important point I might add -- we all know there are good terrorists and bad terrorists, right?)

    Non-Political Part:
    Other than that, though I wasn't too fond of the man or his policies, there is no doubt that Nancy and Ron's support, dedication, devotion, love, etc. etc. for each other is truly monumental.

    And it isn't a surprise that the whole funeral is being done with class -- a lot of people said a lot of things about Nancy and Ronny over the years, but "low class" probably wasn't one of them.

    Nancy has had a tough road to hoe for the last 10 years -- 10 years! -- and we can only imagine the torture of watching someone to whom you are so devoted going downhill in such a cruel fashion. What was it she said -- "the golden years didn't last very long".

    For all the good they did this world, they merited better than the ravages of Alzheimers. An undeservedly rough ending for a great man.

    -- Steve
  8. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    I think part of her calmness probably comes from the fact that he was most likely not "there" for a number of years now. If you've ever seen what alzheimers does to a person, you know what I mean. It's such a terrible disease that death is a relief for those who are suffering from it, and also for their family.
  9. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    "If you've ever seen what alzheimers does to a person, you know what I mean."

    I can only hope to be able to avoid such a scenario. It is truly a terrible way to go, and perhaps even harder on those who have to watch.

    The one thought that comes to mind continually is "there but for the grace of God go I."

    -- Steve
  10. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    We were talking about this in China tonight. The Chinese I talked to thought he was a great president. He came to China and they liked him for that. My driver claims he even saw him in person when he was here.

    Reagan's gift was mainly in two simple big picture ideas.

    1. Beat the evil empire
    2. Supply side economics

    Both worked great.
  11. Specman

    Specman Well-Known Member

    As you go through life you realize that there are very few truly great men that come along. Reagan was one. Agree or disagree with his politics he had the courage to stand up for his beliefs and not back down in the face of fire. He re-energized a Nation that had given up on the political process. He brought class back to our Nations capitol. Something that had all but dissapeared at that time and is quickly dissapearing again now.
    Nancy was always the perfecct wife in public. I used to laugh at the way that people described her when she was First Lady. They just didnt get it. She loved her husband and it didnt matter if he was President of the US or a ditch digger. You could see it in the way she looked at him. Have any of us seen that in any First Lady since?
    His funeral so far has been everything it should be to honor him.
    A fine way to say goodby a great man, President Reagan
  12. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Actually, yes. To a great extent, I see Laura Bush as having that same "genuine" confidence and affection.
  13. GSXMEN

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    I totally agree!!:TU:

    I'd also add that Barbara Bush also seemed like a very good first lady......even if she looked (at the time) like his mother.:grin: Now that the 1st George Bush is showing more age...doesn't seem so noticeable.

    Whether you like the Bush's politics or not....I honestly feel they both have demonstrated exceptionally good family values.

    Now....Bill & Hillary........don't even need to go there.:Dou:

    Back to the matter at hand....Ronald Reagan was an exceptional President!!:Smarty: :TU: Very good statesman.....did a remarkable job of bringing back a sense of National Pride, among many other things.:bglasses:

    He is now in the Presense of our Lord!!! No more more sorrow. Of that, I am certain!! :TU:

    Here are some nice comments by Dr. D. James Kennedy on our 40th President's spiritual side.

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