Praise God

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by GSMAG, May 1, 2003.

  1. GSMAG

    GSMAG Well-Known Member

    Hi Folks, I have a praise to report. On Sarurday evening at about 6:30 I pulled our 17 month old daughter, Carolyn, out of the pool. She was conscious and breathing, no CPR necessary. She wass on her back with her head under water. It couldn't have been more that 45 seconds, but I'll never know. I do know that God spared her life and spared my family from attending a funeral today. The EMT's were there in 3 minutes and we were at the hospital for about 2 hours. Her lungs were clear in the chest x rays and she came out of shock about 45 minutes after I pulled her from the pool. Love your children, love your family and friends. They could be gone in an instant. Prasie God!


    VERY GOOD!!! That is true!!
  3. Rusty Davenport

    Rusty Davenport Silver Level contributor

    praise him indeed

    Glad that God delvered your child;we need to praise him for every day and every blessing.Thanks be always to God!!!!
  4. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Everyone should thank God everyday for WHO and what they have, because it can all be taken away in a split second.

    It's sad that sometimes it takes an event like this to wake us up. Thanks for sharing this. I was in need of a reminder of who to thank for this wonderful day and life that I have been given and for all the people that mean so much to me.

    I am so happy for your daughter and your family. Thank God for miracles!!! :)

  5. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member


    I'm very happy to hear Carolyn is OK.

    ...and make sure that gate is locked so no more accidents can occur.
  6. GSMAG

    GSMAG Well-Known Member


    The gate was locked, the other three were in the pool, I was in the pool area, Carolyn was behind me in a wagon. I rinsed some garden tools off for about two minutes, turned around and thought, "Everyone is inside." I didn't see nayone at first, then I saw her in the pool and I wasn't sure if it was Courtney, ( the 5 year old) trying to do a backwards somersault or not. It seemed like it took me an hour to determine what was happening. Thank God I saw her in the water. It has been a very sobering experience for Carol and I. Now it's time to look forward and be thankful.
  7. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

  8. 11SecondGS

    11SecondGS ROCK THIS



    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    Praise the Lord!

    After hearing about the incident in the news with the young child drowning at a party that Tommy Lee held (was at?), that really IS a miracle!!!:TU:

    Sure is good to know God is watching out for us!:)

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