Possibly a new dragstrip!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by P.D. Gropp, May 28, 2004.

  1. P.D. Gropp

    P.D. Gropp Well-Known Member

    There are plans in the works to build a new 1/4 mile dragstrip about 20 miles west of Lincoln (NE) on I-80 at the Milford exit, and just a little bit north. The Seward county commisioners met and approved to pay for half of the lighting for such a project. The site for the track has been narrowed down to two possible sites, I believe.

    Greg Sanford, who runs Nebraska Motorplex, is wanting to create a track that will be on the same level as Topeka, i.e. national events, weekly points and so on.

    I'm going to contact the county commisioners' office to find out when the next meeting will be and if the track will be on the agenda.

    I'll keep everyone posted.

    I wonder if this means that I'd better start on a car that I would have to use to "defend my turf".:grin:

  2. Eric Schmelzer

    Eric Schmelzer Well-Known Member

    That would be cool. We need to get some high end auto raceing in the area. When Scribner was NHRA they were on the schedule for all the big boys in Top Fuel and the like. Even got TV coverage on ESPN. I believe they called it The Cornbelt Nationals, anyone who has been there in Aug knows what I mean. But sence they went IHRA there has been nothing reletivly close for us to go to.
    I say its about time.

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