Please pray for my sister-in-law

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by GS Shari, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. Eric Schmelzer

    Eric Schmelzer Well-Known Member

    Shari, Its good to hear the good news. We are all still saying a prayer for her though as its not over yet. I lost a co-worker to breast cancer about 12 years ago. No one deserves this.
  2. pick62

    pick62 pick62

    Ditto here! That's great news!
  3. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Yippie!!!!! So glad to hear that Shari. :TU:
    We're still praying and keeping everything crossed for the upcoming surgery & for a speedy recovery.

    B & D

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    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    Shari - That's Great news!!!

    There is Power in prayer!! :Smarty: I hope she knows she has an extended family here that is praying for her. :TU:
  5. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    Glory to God for that good report. My prayers will continue for more good news.
  6. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    my prayer for Tricia and family/ let us thank Him!

    Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

    Lord, we thank you for this day and what it brings our way. We put all our trust in you Father and know that Your will and timing is always perfect. You know what is best for us and you meet our every need. We thank you for what You have done, are doing presently, and for what You will do in the future.

    Father, we thank you for the way you have blessed and have worked medically in Tricia's situation. We praise you for this blessing! I pray that you will continue to keep her under your wing and will use her in a mighty way! Father, we know your Holy Word tells us to intercede for others and we know that You hear every prayer. I pray that you bless all who have lifted up Tricia's need and know that you appreciate and love them in being obediant to your Holy Word. It was with a heavy heart that her friends and children of God felt when this need arose. Bless her family Lord. Let there be other ways you will work in this family.

    Father, we give you all the praise and glory! You are the great physician, the great counselor, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! Forgive us of our sins and convict us of those shortcomings. Let us continue to grow in and through You! Thank you for giving your Son Jesus to all of us with his death to die for all at that cross in Calvary. I thank you for how you worked in my life 8 years ago to bring me to a saving grace. I pray that others will know you too as their personal Saviour if they don't already. I pray that those who are saved will tell others of Jesus, what He has done in their lives, and share the Gospel of Christ with others to fulfill the Great Commission. Let us serve you and rightfully give you the praise, glory, and adoration. In Jesus's precious name. Amen.
  7. GS Shari

    GS Shari Guest


    Thanks so much everyone - the surgery was today. Kind of mixed emotions - she opted for the double mamectomy and reconstruction. Lymph nodes were slightly involved in one side but not the other. 2/3 of them were removed from the left side. Chemo is in her future, but we knew that would happen. So the prognosis is a heck of a lot better than 2 weeks ago.

    Thanks again from Tricia and the family - you don't know how much I appreciate it.

    Take care,

  8. GS Shari

    GS Shari Guest

    Update! The best kind of news!

    Tricia got a call from her surgeon, Dr. Hagen, this morning. It seems she got the pathology back on the nodes that were removed, and the results showed that all 13 nodes were clear of cancer cells. The only node affected was the 1 sentinel node (and the other was also negative).

    I don't know what that means with regard to chemo, but the fact that it has not spread past the 1 node is exceptionally good news.

    This is a direct quote from my brother. We won't find out about the chemo schedule for at least 2 weeks, but that's o.k. Now she just has to rest and heal.

    Again, thanks from the bottom of my heart for all that you've done. You folks are the best.
  9. Stage1 Jeff

    Stage1 Jeff Guest

    great news!!!
    i am still praying!!

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