Please, all read

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Greg Schmelzer, Nov 12, 2002.

  1. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    I have been reading the posts today, and all the veterans appreciate all the thanks that we have received.

    Read the following and appreciate all the sacrifices made.

    "Those priceless rights, guaranteed under the Constitution, have been the source of our happiness from our very beginning as a nation. We have been accustomed to take them as a matter of course.

    Now, however, when we see other nations challenging liberties, it behooves us to exercise that eternal vigilance which now, as always, is the price of liberty. No matter what comes, we MUST preserve our national birthright; liberty of conscience and education, of the press and of free assembly, and equal justice to all under the law."

    "As a free people, we must defend our dearly won heritage of freedom against all assaults."

    Franklin D Roosevelt
    32d President of the United States

    These words were spoken more than 55 years ago, and they still ring true.

    God Bless America!!

    If you should happen to disagree with me, you should thank any and all veterans that you happen across, for they are the ones that gave you the very freedom to disagree with me in the first place.

    Just putting in my $.02 worth.
  2. 72 V Code

    72 V Code 71 72 GS GSX Fan

    Never have truer words been spoken:TU:
  3. Kerry s.

    Kerry s. Is Jesus YOUR Lord?

  4. jeff bullock

    jeff bullock Dare to be different !!!

    so true

    Amen. God Bless America

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