Pictures that need no caption

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by bignastyGS, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

  2. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

  3. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

  4. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

  5. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

  6. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    If I'm not mistaken.......that's the one and only DOUG KELLY from Long Island at Norwalk last year.

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  7. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    pic 6 last but not least.............
  8. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    ..........and that's the "HECKLER"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  9. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot


    Toooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!
  10. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    :eek2: :puzzled: :moonu:

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    Last edited: Jan 14, 2005
  11. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1


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  12. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!


    :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer

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  13. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Nice picture......... NOT. :rolleyes: I guess I deserved that. :pp :moonu:
    Sure you have that picture :eek2: but you don't have the wagon running :laugh:

    Beth :grin:
  14. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!


    I just want to know what you're grabbing for ??
  15. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    This is a family show........ I'm not allowed to say :pp :moonu:

    Dana asked me the same thing & I won't tell him either :laugh:

    Personal note to self.................. Take more candid pictures of Alan next year :Brow:

    Beth :grin:
  16. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    That is what I was wondering about Dave in this one!! :shock:

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  17. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

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