Pics of the Hot Wheels GN. Not that great.

Discussion in 'The Hobby Lobby' started by Floydsbuick, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    It just doesn't seem shaped right to me.

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  2. sharkmonkey

    sharkmonkey Give me something to hit!

    Kind of fat and stubby, or something.
  3. Yeah, its got the wrong wheels on it too. On the backside of the card on one of the MANY variations they made, it says "547 Grand Nationals were made." LOL! They're talking about the Buick GNX... but obviously they didn't check their facts!

    People are going crazy on ebay selling these hard to find diecast cars, although the bidding is starting to come down now. And now they are making the GN in red!

    I bet Hotwheels variation collectors are going insane with this one because of how many errors were produced (different rims, missing or misplaced graphics, etc.).

    I have some pictures of the various made GN HW vehicles on my website below, on the diecast page.
  4. cutsupreme

    cutsupreme Active Member

    i picked up 3 at walmart last week, the packaging on one was a little diffrent(the clear plastic was shaped diffrent). they also seem to have some orange peel going on on the back of the trunk. to me it loos like they choped the top down a little and tucked some bigger rims up in there. not to bad compared to the hedious cars hot wheels has been putting out latley. whats the going rate on ebay? might have to let one of mine go:Brow:

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