Pics of 2 Buicks at the Moraga Classic Car show.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by elagache, May 11, 2013.

  1. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear Buick fans,

    Classic car shows are becoming popular in Northern California for some reason. There is now a third annual show within 10 miles of where I live. I ran over there just to see what this show was about since it is the new kid of the block. It appears to be the smallest show in the area but gaining fast. As usual, you had the typical Mustangs, Chevies, and normal "ho hum" cars. However there were two Buicks. The first was a 1950 Buick Super convertible:


    The other was a 1969 Riviera:


    Here is a close-up of the engine compartment:


    The only other "general interest" car that might perk some interest from "da' fellers" on this board was this 1981 De Lorean:


    I've put up all my photos on a web sharing service so if you need more than that for your pic-fix you can click here:

    Yeah, I know . . . . . kinda of slim pickin's, but considering I wasn't expecting anything from this show - hard to to complain!

    Cheers, Edouard :beer

    P.S. If you do cruise through the photo album don't be surprised by the overall views, I was curious about the general setup just in case I might enter my trusty wagon in this show next year.
  2. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    I have long felt that the 1949-53 Buicks were the most beautiful American cars of that era. They were also good cars. That '50 Buick ragtop is magnificent.
  3. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    I Agree !!!!

    Thanks for posting those Edouard !!

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