Petition to Horsepower TV

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickman69, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

    I'm starting this thread in hopes HPTV will do voice-over to correct-"incorrect" information of footage from the Buick "GS NATIONALS" aired on the 16th & 17th of July '05 and to any future coverage of our event . I will start a thread on the HPTV bulletin board posting a link to here, and I will contact HPTV via email with a link to this thread.

    1) Joe incorrectly called the event the "Grand Nationals" when in-fact the event is the Buick "GS Nationals" & has been for 25 years! Yes this is a Buick event "in-general" NOT just a GS or turbo Buick event!

    2) Joe said it was a weekend event when in-fact it's a full 5 day event that starts on Tuesday! We are the ONLY car group/club that has a 5 FULL DAY NATIONAL EVENT

    3) They need to show the et & mph of some of the FAST Buicks racing as they do it @ brand X events, they should do it for the Buicks also!

    In the event of any future coverage of our Buick "GS NATIONALS" event like what our Tivos are capturing showing to be aired this Saturday 7-23-05 Please make these changes to future shows as well.

    Please post signing/saying you'd like to see these changes made to the coverage of our National event.

    Thank you.
  2. mjoe7

    mjoe7 In the beginning God...

    I guess I'm first.

    I would like to see the changes.
    It would be nice if HorsePower-TV would be more correct in there representation of the Buick GS Nationals.
    However it's nice they covered the event.
    Thank's in advance.
    Mike S.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2005
  3. buickman71

    buickman71 da RED BEAST!

    mark me down :TU:
  4. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Didn't he say that GN's came out in the late 70's as well?
  5. EightSecV6

    EightSecV6 Well-Known Member

    You guys have got to be kidding.......
  6. Dan Healey

    Dan Healey Well-Known Member


    Yeah, I heard that. :laugh: :laugh: :Dou:
  7. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    Well, I for one am happy that we actually got some coverage. They may be wrong in there information but at least they saw our event and spent the money to promote us Buick nuts and get our cars back in the mainstream. I think it is great although it was not correct they did not misrepresent it. Just my thoughts. :beer
  8. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    I agree with you,Phil. At least they recognized us and did a feature on our meet.

    To me, they did a first class job on the program.
  9. rh455

    rh455 Well-Known Member

    It's not just Buicks that they got wrong, they even get Chebby shows wrong. I think that show is just intended to be a brief overview of an event. Just to give a taste of what's out there that the rest of the country may not get to be a part of. They can't be perfect, after all they're basically shooting from the hip. I watched the do a show on the NMCA here and it wasn't rocket science. They were flyin' by the seat of their pants.
  10. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    Sounds good. I let the local TV station WTOL have an ear full the other day. He was making a comment about tire wear at NASCAR and made some remark like. I wouldn't put those tires on my old Buick Lesabre. But he said it in a derogatory way.

    Oh I played email tag with him and his boss. I told them they need to come to the BPG event and see what old Buick's can do. Of course I spiced it up as maybe they will send a similar station from Salem to check it out.
  11. BQUICK

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    I say leave them alone.....why bug them?...we are lucky they covered the event. It's not like there was anything damaging in what they aired.
  12. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    It called equal rights. We need Jesse Jackson to lead us to the promise land.
    Equal right and coverage for all car brands. Minority rules in America if you play the cards right. JK
  13. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    They always make mistakes on those shows. :af: Just be glad they mentioned our "lesser" :rolleyes: brand at all. I say just let it be. It's too easy to be labeled as whiners. :Smarty:
  14. BeyGon

    BeyGon Well-Known Member

    There must be more to life
    No exposure, too much exposure, spelled GS wrong, no publicity, too much publicity, parts to high, cars to cheap, Chevys worth more. Edsels too cheap,
    Buick people know, others don't care. Be happy anyone promotes your hobby. Live with it.

  15. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    At least they didn't ask what all the chevelles were doing at a buick event.
  16. I say be happy they covered it at all. You never know what the circumstances were leading up to them covering the event (they may have only done it because they *had* to) and you don't want them thinking Buick guys are all a bunch of uptight perfectionastic jerks that they'll not want to deal with in the future. If you contact them, be very positive about it but don't be a stickler. Simply say you enjoyed their coverage and you have a couple suggestions, and be light about it.

    Just remember, email is the easiest form of communication to ignore. If you come across as a jerk and they don't want to talk to you, they'll just click on the "X" to delete it and never think of it again.

    I hate to sound pessemistic but seriously, Buicks got the spotlight for once! :) Be happy. If they want to get it right they'll do it eventually, but if all we do is jump on their case about getting a few details wrong then they may choose not to cover the GS Nat's ever again.
  17. I guess for fear of me sounding a little harsh in my above post, it is a valid complaint. But I say give it time and enjoy the show. Then it's more of a surprise when you whoop someone at a stoplight!
  18. dwbuick

    dwbuick Well-Known Member

    Yeah really, besides...I thought us Buick guys liked to linger in the shadows unoticed. Bring too much attention and we will be b*tching that our cars/parts are too expensive. The average watcher of these programs don't know GN from GS and probably don't care, they just like looking at the cars.
  19. BeyGon

    BeyGon Well-Known Member

    "At least they didn't ask what all the chevelles were doing at a buick event."

    Good point Cody, they could have asked about the different stripes on those chevys.

  20. collector

    collector collector

    Right on!!! You don't KNOW how many calls I had to put in to them to twist their arm into coming. Gee whiz, be GLAD they showed up. Who's perfect anyways? Negative phone calls or E mails to them will make sure that they never come back. Is this what we want?

    John Chamberlain
    Nats director

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