Pass side Tri shield mirror......Please.....

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by Ryans-GSX, May 6, 2006.

  1. Ryans-GSX

    Ryans-GSX Have fun, life is short.

    sill looking

    still looking

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  2. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    I scored one a few weeks ago, but being that it's still attached to the original car drove up the price. :)

    Hope you get lucky and find one without the car underneath it already.

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  3. Ryans-GSX

    Ryans-GSX Have fun, life is short.

    great score

    great score Mike that was a long way to ship a car but I am sure it was worth it very nice car let me know if you ever find one not on a car

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