Off to D.C.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by william.ali.kay, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. william.ali.kay

    william.ali.kay Needs more cowbell!

    Well, Im heading out(flying) to D.C. in the morning just me and my 5 year old daughter. Some god old fashion "Daddy time".Going to stay with my brother for a week. This will be her first time on a plane and she is super excited! Hoping to see all the sites and have a good time. Maybe take some pictures that will make for one heck of a show and tell for her when she goes back to school. I will be sure to take some pictures to post up when I get back too. My brother owns a couple of nice cars( Non Buick) that Im sure a couple of you might enjoy also.

  2. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Oh, just for a week. I thought for a second there, you were one of our new congressmen. Good for you, spending time with your brother and daughter.:TU:

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