Numbers for 67 GS 400 engine

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by GS-XNR, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. GS-XNR

    GS-XNR Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure this is the forum for this question, but if not please direct me to the right one.

    I just got my second 67 GS400 today and it appears to be an original car. The engine production codes are between the first gap in the exhaust manifold on the passenger side. The correct code is "NR" which is on this engine.

    Now for the question. The serial number is supposed to be between the rear gap in the exhaust manifold on the passenger side. I scraped and cleaned and it is completely bare flat metal. No numbers or letters or any indication there ever was any. :confused: This is a "Z" (California) car. Would that place the serial number elsewhere on the engine block?

    Thanks for you help.
  2. lcac_man

    lcac_man Hovercraft Technician

    Someone else here was having trouble finding a number on his 67 400, not sure who it was. You could do a search for "engine numbers" and see what you get.
  3. mlh48

    mlh48 Well-Known Member

    I also have the same problem with my 67. After cleaning and scotchbrite I can barely see something that resembles numbers but am not real sure but the code on the front is very distinct. My car is also from California and is a very early production. Is it possible that these engines were not numbered?:confused: :confused:
  4. GS-XNR

    GS-XNR Well-Known Member

    The "NR" code is very clear at the front. Unlike yours, the rear is very smooth and shiny. No evidence of any numbers. The numbers on my other 67 are very clear and easy to read.
  5. 67 & topless

    67 & topless Well-Known Member

    You want to here something really strange ? My brother & I pulled the block on his 67 gs 400 & the only thing we could find were some casting #'s on the back of the block with the number 400 & the letters NDR on the passenger of the block . I've hered of NR & ND but NDR not to sure about this one maybe some one can help me out with this one ,because I'm lost:Do No:

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