not a 425!!

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by 65 Riv 425, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. 65 Riv 425

    65 Riv 425 Well-Known Member

    Hi every one.. back in Sept. I bought a 65 Riviera with what I thought was a 425. But yesterday I got the rust off the block and it says= KT - 64 401.. But the block comes back as a 401 or 425 from 64 to 66. Question. could the motor be a 425 with a KT code?I was upset when I found this out but Im getting over it..

  2. riv2x4

    riv2x4 Well-Known Member

    KT is 64 401. A 64 425 would be KW. Looks like you have a replacement 401.

  3. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    Pete left foot on the brake pedal, right foot loading up the switch pitch till the tires start letting the smoke out then let her :3gears: !
    You'll feel better right away.

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