Nostalgia Drags in Tulsa

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by mrfido, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. mrfido

    mrfido Well-Known Member

    The Tulsa drag strip is now open and it is great!!!:TU:
    The Nitro Nationals Nostalgia Drags have been set on July 24 due to rain this year. I am inviting all pre 72 years to show up and have some fun and show Tulsa what Buicks are all about. I will be there with my 72 skylark if nothing else brakes between now and then(knock on wood). Mr Bill will be there with his 71 ElCamino that we have been working on for the past several weeks. Yes it is a chevy but it takes several Buick expereances to convert a person! He is still looking for a ride in a turbo car!:laugh:
    Well enough for now .
    Mark Sheppard

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