New Positive battery cable questions

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by Buiyak, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Buiyak

    Buiyak Well-Known Member

    I got the 2 new reproduced spring end cables. The positive comes with the black sheath over it starts approx 16" from spring end and runs about 12-14 " long form there. Not quite into the area where wires run through back to starter..

    I see in some of Jim Lore's pictures you can see the sheath on positive cable. But I would think when it runs through the wire trough back to starter. It would have this sheath long enough through there to protect cable from rubbing on metal trough.
    With the new wire harness there is enough protection of it's own sheath and tape to insulate it from the metal.

    Is this the way they were factory ?
    So what is this section of sheath really for on positive cable?

    Anyone have some close-up pixs of your's installed?

    Thanx Dave
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The positive cable has a plastic block on it where it runs though the metal trough. The black plastic block is not repro'ed. You'll have to harvest it from an old cable
  3. CarlBraun

    CarlBraun Registered Abuser


    putting spring rings on my 65 Riviera now.

    also, I had a 69 RA IV Judge in white on white with 33 options. Jim Wangers looked at the car and couldnt beleive there were that many options on a RA IV car.

    I have a cottage north of the soo and rip around up there on my in so cal I collect vintage arctic cats. SOunds like you have a neat liquidator

  4. dl7265

    dl7265 No car then Mopar

  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    That would seem like a good part to repro. its plastic and not very complicated. Fits a wide variety of years and was used across the whole model line.
  6. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Assembly and service manuals both show a good diagram of how all this is installed in the wiring sections.
  7. Buiyak

    Buiyak Well-Known Member

    My block is gone then. The cable that was through there was taped up only by someone.
    Possibly I can find something ?

    Thanx Dave

    Carl : PM your option load on Judge please, and what Cats you have ?

    MYBUICKS Well-Known Member

    You will need to find the plastic block that is fitted into the bolt-on bracket that guides the battery cable along the lower side of the cylinder block enroute to the starter. But, the woven sheath on the positive battery cable does not go through the plastic block. The sheath guides the positive cable through a plastic bracket on the inside of the framerail where the cable extends up toward the battery. That is why it is positioned closer to the spring end on the cable when you bought it. I can provide a photo of an unrestored one on the car if you need it.
  9. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Here is an original cable with block.

    Attached Files:

  10. lookin4a67gs

    lookin4a67gs For Your Viewing Pleasure

    Just went through this ordeal on my resto last week. Here's another options for anybody interested. I had ordered the correct spring ring style cables from CARS, the diameter of the new cable was slightly larger than the original. Even though i was able to pull the original cable out of the block I realized a new one was not going back in. I had a local machine shop enlarge the hole slightly to 1/2", which made for a snug fit for the new cable. I cut off the starter end terminal, slipped it through the modified block and had a Interstate batteries crimp a new terminal on. Ready to roll and it retains it's correct look and function.:3gears:

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